Bilten Bitefa

oooooo o oo o o o oo ooo ovo ooo” oleo ro o “o eoj:o:o “Toj očio “o.Po:omo ozo”o oo o o o o?LOmO ovo o oo eo ox:o owo” o ove :o TT A ~ ' mr »T. RODA Tri TI HARDWARE PERFOMMANCE

Being kae Pirgb Lo Feslize a composit op in Mao BIGCPTORniC Muasic otudio of Radio Belgrade M.ird Zrogram, bane compose?r was im workinz on his picca ala8o oxplorinz nie poerliornmarnoz of ine mmchines(ine hardware). Tne machines "osrtorm" he

music — under ke Gdi rPeol CORBRSPOL! OL ie COPDOSOT,

Pignon has oxploited some O bhe wavs of musical bainzing now made avajilab'= by the new technoJozy Which is Povoluticnizing slectronic music. PiPstly, Hardwape Zerrormance makes it etricinzgiy app:Pent bnat electronic music will mo |OongeP suffer IPbom the -JCiky OZ >ypoes ož saumd Ia taPpinl gaPliče im osed om it by sonmical Pakler kian eoratica. Lim iationsal In fac+ ho. omg bacomss aWaPe hOW Pesitricied is Me aounmd Sspmce availlsbie jn ins Pumenital mušicC, -OO WeLl KROWRBMach ol} kae kaPee movemonis OZ Smapdwerne Per opmahogs 1i1BHSU- iS 5 allierpanı subaepace OT. kič cvoeilnsBD_o sSoMuBU ULIVSTCg. ag in most moGe.n music. 1. dogs HOL Ze. OF ii cobpePence mud LEOWY.L. OL U. „i n SO._JODCe ILO_ILC C.SPGS BU L_SLLC 017 SGmBr io music (and now sr almozt Daro zr Ja festu:s O man S BVET day epviponmmenb). TPDore ic ZO iHematicilve 7 tie meloGdic (ob Di tCR-MODLIVIC) psense, gsRG el sach movamen „aa Oli iZ Fos= lLuPes cePtainly no less powsriull ah ae Loaematic matePial OT m clagsiosl movement in >i Leh-secucnce mOBiC• 1b is brue that inmstrumentol music dg5 lOonz becn Ssesk-_mz axppPession wipough comDposibional logics other “han in tb OE Pitch msegugencse Dut in doing so often placed eyCeaordinarız demmnnaa on “e ing~ruments desigmnacc For and te playapsa sine TOP music OT Over 1OO years ago, While the new oealecipmonic hardware is dB Ssızmnot ic meet such demanda!

Sul listeninz must Man slso be agrpsitive To informstion cnPTried by other ohannels. A few auemples. Te first movement? could almost be calle melodic — tihe sounds are oz constant timbre and many have definite pitch. However, coherence and grow bh sre acheived thnpoupn the Pecuv»rence annd evolution of cePtain Liypes o? (qumsi-melcdic) motion - contbrasts are alapD ty, es of motion. in tbtne second movement different gussi-DRTamelerps convey Me inrormmation - tiransiliom Trom "smooth"

Lo "TigPpcealyv vVibrpaling”", data led sculpturing o-_ he shape

Ol various sound SDJScCbm, intorDplsy of verz conipmsting shapes ana timbres. Ine S2nr satijeltod With ins Pumeniml Dilchn~soquence music VS cagily OoVaP looks Khoe ntermwovemn bnapeads in the nigh-Ssoun.„ ~ textupe hepe. In LIhe iizpd movement somsg or ae parsmeter: whRoLe Valis ops convey PPltistic infcrmalicn sre dizbanca of ine S80unG, de: Pee OT agiletion, rvougnness of the lum9gs COor »lagceaj, op "shapppess O sd

- - _OS „ POlaLiVO MUZliness", "Magressivenhogs". All Lacgse wWovds amo valueles= LO Ome

WRO lg slresdy into dna soUnd Wopld ol biz

1LB1C; Wagip Only function cmn De "Ua OZ „OlDTePO LOWRPOS Wne

to liskLan.


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dhis iZ bhge ITipab full-S9calg conposikblion lo come oul of. O She

Radio SeLrpode SLočbPonic MUSIC otUudijio. This is HOL "lewpaorimenlimnl" music — BO mUO-=SiC CoLld be TupPilnez com oMDa imenıt SlDCe in Studios of Llhe new _anmeralion such as Linb ml Medio Helgpmde the composeP is congtsnily in comksci w il, 80 inae omah be do alomenı ol umcePplsiniy about Line Tipal 5P duJOL. atmor i o2juld, al MAJ mloga, Bo called oxoloZs LOV, TOD new havdvwePe is o „ening She Way leo new Zen mS5 of music.

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the sound ss he cPpemtžes



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