Biotechnics : the practice of synthesis in the work of Patrick Geddes
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Main works on Geddes:
Boardman, Philip: “L’Oeuvre éducatrice de Patrick Geddes’; Montpellier, Imprimerie de la Charité, 1936.*
Defries, Amelia: “The Interpreter Geddes’; Routledge, 1927.
Geddes, Patrick (ed. Tyrwhitt): ‘Cities in Evolution’, revised edition, Williams & Norgate, 1949.
Mairet, Philip: “Pioneer of Sociology’; Lund Humphries, 1957.
Tyrwhitt, Jacqueline: “Patrick Geddes in India’; Lund Humphries, 1947.
* Containing a full Bibliography.
Extracts from Geddes’ farewell Lecture and from Tagore are quoted by kind permission of Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. Extract from Geddes’ letter quoted by kind permission of Lund Humphries Ltd.
ERRATUM In the last paragraph, page 22,
second line, ““commodities” should ‘ oe read “communities”.