

6. bitef ée prikazati i dva jugoslovenska doprinosa modernim tokovima evropskog pozorista predstavu hrvatskog narodnog kazalista »grbavica« i teatra glej » spomenik g«, izabrane su predstave reditelja georgija para i dus ana jovanoviéa, koje avangardnu forma spajaju sa, za nasu sredinu, retkom psihofizičkom spremom glumačkog ansambla, postignutom dugim i neprestanim treningom. za vreme bitefa galerija 212 biée mesto na kom če nekoliko značajnih imena nove likovne umetnosti prikazati svoja trdzenja koja su u sve veéoj meri bliska scenskoj umetnosti. (jovan éirilov)

theatre director of new reality 72 j , bitef 6is dedicated to the director of new reality 72. like in the past fi ft fi f) fit V f ew y ears - when the mes were the classics with a 1970 look and the free iÆ'ff'W' m xsxSt'hJ forms 71, this year’s theme resulted from the best performances representing new theatrical trends in world of theatre. it has often been that said the twentieth century is the age of director’s rule in the theatre, however, that ruling is not the same in craig’s and Stanislavski’s time at the beginning of the century, in cartel time between the two wars, or in brecht’s days in the fifties, and grotowski’s in the sixties, today, in the seventies, a new immage of the director is being formed in rapport to the theatre and the world in which he lives, during bitef 6, belgrade shall gather a few most important personalities in theatre directing, who will come here with their groups, their theories and practice, their experiences and fallacies, and with the rality of their countries and the world of their own which they bring with them, directors like victor garda, luca ronconi, merce cunningham, miklos janczo, peter stein, angel facio, koert stuyf, patrick henry and peter brook have not determined the rapport with the reality only through their work, but they have, through their art, in a way, created the reality of our time, which so much differs from the one inheritted from the prevouis generation. apart from, but parallel to the performances gathered under the title theatre director of new reality 72, this year, bitef will, for the first time in this country, show a few examples of roots of theatrical art: Japanese noh and kyogen, the very source of flamenco preserved in the mountains of Seville, and the ancient ritual art of Uganda. bitef 6 shall present two yugoslav contributions to the contemporary trends of european theatre the performance of hrvatsko narodno kazalište and of theatre glej. performances of georgij paro and dusan jovanovié have been chosen because they link the avantgarde form with a kind of psychophysical training of the ensemble which is hard to find in our country. gallery 212 shall, during bitef, be the meeting point where we shall witness the searchings of several important representatives of the new visual arts which are getting closer to, and even intersecting with the scenic arts, (jovan ćirilov)

metteur en scene de la nouvelle réalité j • le sixième bitef est consacrée au metteur en scène de la nouvelle / / 01" 1/* OSI réalité 72. comme les années passées on a traité déjà deux sujets: m §/g§/KskJ c i ass iq ue £[ a manière de 1970, et formes libres 71 - notre thème actuel provient de meilleurs reperésentations des nouvelles tendances dramatiques dans le monde entier, on a souvent écrit que le vingtième siècle était Vépoque où les metteurs en scène régnaient dans le théâtre, mais il ne s’agit pas du même règne pendant craig et Stanislavski du commencement du siècle ou à l’epoque des cartels entre-deux-guerres qu’au temps de brecht, aux années 50, et de grotowsky, aux années 60. actuellement, vers les années 70 l’idée de ce que représente le metteur en scène par rapport au monde où il vit, se change peu à peu. pendant le sixième bitet, plusieurs metteurs en scène d’une grande importance viendront à Belgrade avec leurs ansembles, leur théorie et leur pratique, leurs propres expérience et leurs erreurs, formés par la réalité de leur pays et d’un monde particulier, metteurs en scène luca ranconi, merce Cunningham, miklos janczo, peter stein, angel fado, koert stuyf, patrick henry et peter brook n’ont