
generation on the theme of the greatest classic of their country; ’canzone di zeza’, coming from an attempt of an intellectual reconstruction of the public theatre which prung up within the bosom of the carnivals, while the krakow as well as ’the mountain giants’ deal with the theatre in the most literal sense of the word: the conflict of two conceptions of the theatre, the old and the new and, the tragic heroes of this struggle for a modern theatre, as a battle for a new conception of the place of man in the world. of course, as was the case in previous years, bitef did not want to deprive the public of shows which do not strictly comply with the theme, but which are an important contribution to the world of theatre, such as the moscow plays ’don giovani’ and the ’courtmartial’ or ’a letter for queen victoria’ from new york, the ’statements’ from Capetown, and ’scents, gold, insence’ from zagreb. bitef will again, as it did every other year, present examples of ancient theatrical rituals such as the capoeiras from bahia. it is only natural that this year, when the theme of bitef is the theatre, the jury, for the first time, comprises exclusively theatrical creators - actors and