
gyarbolyu. Nagraden je nagradom Jàszai Mari. Od 1968. clan je Narodnog pozorišta. Poznatije pozoriśne uloge su mu: Aljośa u Braci Karamazovima, Karl Rossmant u Americi, u Idiota grof Miškin, u Timonu Atinjaninu Timon. Poznatije rezi je u pozoriśtu: Zorin Varšavska melodija, Bulgakov Ivan Groźni, Šekspir Bogojavljenska noć, Ajtmanov Smrt trkačkog konja. Od 1973. clan je 25. pozorišta.


Koreograf i pozoriśni reditelj. Roden je 1930. u Peču. Od 1954. koreograf je u državnom Narodnom ansamblu a zatim u umetničkom društvu Vasai. Nagrađen je SZOT-om. Od 1971. reditelj je u 25. pozoriśtu. Značajna ostvar enja: Marat Sade; Sveta Jovanka u klanici i koreografija u Narodnom pozorištu za Luzitansko čudovište ;

Lorkinu Krvavu svadbu i režija Don Cristobela kako sa amterima tako i sa profesionalcirna. U 25. pozoriśtu reźirao je Nemat Laszloov komad Žalost; Tou O. ova nepravedna smrt (korežija) i režije komada Utopija od Her nudi Gyule; Ljubav i Elektra od Gyurko Laszla.


(Alsosztregova, 21st January 1823 Alsosztretregova, sth October 1864) Madach’ s father was a landowner, Imperial and Royal Chamberlain, his mother was the descendant of a famous baron family. At an age of twelve he lost his father and his mother was left to educate him and his sisters what she did in quite a conservative spirit, however, anxious to provide them wide range learning and mainly the knowledge of languages. 1837 he comes to Pest to the philosophical, later to the law department of the university. The basic festures of his world outlook were shaped by the liberalism of reform era and by the progressive romanticism. Of the Hungarian literature the poetry of Kölcsey, Bajza, Vörösmarthy and Eötvös had a great influence on him, out of the world literature mainly dramatists as Greek tragic poets, Shakespeare, Schiller, Victor Hugo bore on him. Returning to his native county in 1890 first he was a junior clerk at the side of a subprefect who belonged to the reform party. As a fearless speaker of the liberal opposition he made himself known in the political life of the county. His piercing satire reflected on the orthodoxy of County Court judges, the false liberalism and urged for a radical change into bourgeoisie. The heroes of his juvenile drams belong to romantic titanes of great will-power and passion wa revalut against social conditions or the fate and who, as a rule, succumb due to the non-understanding or non-generosity of their surronudings and masses, however, they preserve mental resolution. 1845 he married the daughter of a sub-prefect of county Bihar. The first years of their marriage seemed to be happy and also both the country and country politics was developing in a way as expected by Madách and his liberal friends; all these resulted in a certain dissolvance in his inner world. He became acquainted with Petofi which endowed Madach’s poetry with the characteristics of lyric realisam for a short time. Since from his young days he suffered from gout, lung and heart disease thus he resigned his office in 1848 due to bad state of health. When the war of independence broke out he entered the army though he was withheld from military service by his bad health. He promoted the provisions of army as County High Commissioner. Also his family and his friends tooka great part in the fight therefore his family was directly striken by the national collapse. The poet was in prison for a year for giving shelter to the secretary of Lajos Kossuth. By the failure of national hopes, the doom of his relatives, opportunist tends amoung Hungarians during absolutism his faith in the sense of human fight and struggle was deeply shaken. 1854 he divorced. His view of life became more and and more sombre, his pessimism harboured by the fact of national tragedy came newly to the surface and was intensified by the consolidation of reactionary forces in Europe. Scientific and mechanic materialist theorems of 19 th century reached him in a distorted form heralding the unavoidableness of destiny, the destination of man by circumstances, descent and the low of large statistic figures and they denied the possibility of a cultural, social and human perfection, after all. Then a plan was given birth, he desided to represent the great problems of mankind in a dramatic work the main subject of which would be Adam’s reappearance always in a new form during the hystory of mankind. After what had gone before he worte his principal work seeking for answers for the fate of both mankind and his home land in addition to his personal catastrophe. This masterpiece, The Tragedy of Man is superior to all of his works ensuring him alone to be classic. It is composed of fifteen scenes, the first three and the last one set plot proper i.e. Adam’s appearance always in a renewed form in various historical ages, in the frame of a scripture myth. For Adam’s doubts the Lord’s answer reads: » Hark to me, Man! Strive on, strive on and trust!«. The two fundamental contradictions of the work are: the tragic picture pointed of the