
tora Re-Cher-Chez Studija za avangardne izvođačke umetnosti. Napisao je i režirao trilogiju Animacije, Preludijum smrti u Veneciji i performans-komade Svetac i fudbaleri i Bioskop „Sestra Suzie". Predavao je na Jelu, NYU i Kalifornijskom univerzitetu. Njegova adaptacija i režija Beckettovih Izgubljenih, Komada i Dori i otiči dobile su mnoge pohvaie kritike i priznanja, uključujuči i tri nagrade Obie. Pudlica je 1978. godine dobila nagradu kao najbolji komád. Ősim režija za Njujorški Shakespeareov festival, njegova dela su izvodena na nekoliko evropskih festivale. Nagradivan je iz Rockefellerovog i National Éndowment-fonda, a takode je član odbora Theatre Communications Group. □

Plot synopsis of Frank Wedekind’s Lulu based on Earth-Spirit and Pandora’s Box Earth-Spirit Wedekind’s Earth-Spirit, the first part of his Lulu Tragedies, chronicles

the ascendence of a sensual, magnetic woman in an inhibited bourgeoise society that, despite all its moral dogmatism, cannot resist her. Lulu, a nubile flower girl, is rescued from dissolute poverty and raised in respectibility by louis В. Lebow (Schon), an upright publisher. The play opens with Lulu posing for Carbone (Schwartz), a frustrated Impressionist painter. Lebow has arranged Lulu’s marriage to the elderly Gall (Goll) in order to protect himself from her inescapable sensuality. Gall comes to Carbone’s studio to peruse his young, innocent fiancee’s portrait. Lebow’s son, Alan B. Lebow (Aiwa), a dabbling artist with literary pretensions, takes his father and Gall to a preview of his latest ballet. When Gall returns, the finds Lulu and Carbone in a compromising position and subsequently succumbs to heart failure. Lulu, terrified of being alone and uncared for, marries Carbone and with the help of Lebow (who wants to keep her wed and out of his life at any cost), makes him famous. In Act I, another previous relationship is revealed when Pittsburgh (Schigolch), Lulu’s shady foster father shows up, asking for money. Lebow demands that Lulu stop seeing him (Pittsburgh) and advises her husband to keep an eye on her. Having been told of Lulu’s infidelity and her notorious past, Carbone