
the seams. Expressions, gestures, and dialogue, start from the same point - insight. He toys with ideas, merging them totally into expressions and improvisations that spurt out like fireworks. For once, the word improvisation is in its rightful place. It’s clear then that Jyrki Nousiainen belongs amongst the great clowns. He can take his audience and hold them between his fingers and lead them wherever his flights and fancy take him - nor, has he any difficulty in holding the stage; a mixture of clown’s smiles and tears, with his own personal charm, is enough to captivate his audience. His expressions do not extend, at least not yet, to big, wry, gestures - his style is noticeably softer, more lyrical, but perhaps all the more rich in humour, because of it. □ Katri Veltheim, Uusi Suomi.

Jyrki Nousiainen Jyrki Nousiainen (Mr. Matkatavara) was born in Kerimäki, Finland, on the 20th of September 1943, Between 1964-1967 he attended the

Helsinki Theatre School (which later became the Theatre Academy). On becoming a professional actor he joined the Helsinki City Theatre. He has taught mime and pantomime at the Theatre Academy and in special courses around the country as well as appearing many times on film and television. □

Heikki Houpainen Heikki Houpainen (Mr. Cligety-Clack) was born in Hämeenlinna, Finland, on the 18th of April 1944. He has worked as stage manager in the Helsinki City Theatre between 1971-1981, with particular reference to special effects. He has also co-operated on the script of (Mr. Matkatavara=Mr. Luggage) □

Helsinki City Theatre As early as the 1930 s the idea arose of combining two theatres - Helsinki People’s Theatre and Helsinki Workers’ Theatre into a City Theatre. There were even plans for actual construction, but these had to wait till the 1950 s before any progress could be made. In 1959 an open architectural competition for a theatre building on the shores of Eläintarhanlahti Bay was announced. The entry of architect Timo Penttilä was awarded first prize at the beginning ofi 1961. After many stages of research and planning, construction started in May, 1965. The building was handed over to the Helsinki Theatre Foundation on 7. 9. 1967. Since its completition the Helsinki City Theatre has been Finland’s largest theatre. At the end of 1981 the number of staff permanently attached to the theatre was 174. In 1981 the number of performances on both large and small stages was 509 while audience attendance rose to 269.915. For 1982/1983, as well as his own duties as chief-administrator, Aulis Salovaara is acting director of the theatre. From the autumn of 1983 professor Ralf Lângbacka will assume this directorship, as chosen by the theatre foundation administration. While the City Theatre itself continually receives invitations from both home and abroad, it has accommodated many distinguished visiting productions, to give some examples; The Stockholm City Theatre, The Berlin Schaubühne am Halleschen Ufer, The Tallin Theatre of Drama and Moscow’s Malaya Bronnaya Theatre. Prior to this visit with Mr. Luggage the City Theatre company have twice travelled with The Wise Virgin, directed by Jouko Turkka - once in the spring of 1980 to Tallin’s Theatre of Drama and again to following spring to the Moscow Satire Theatre. Included in the repertoire is both Finnish and foreign contemporaty and classical drama. Particularly in recent years joint co-operation with Finnish national playwrights have produced many memorable first nights. There is always also a musical, a play for children and usually a production of the dance.