
lively and structural integration between the work of Frédéric Flamand (Belgium) for the conception and staging, artist Fabrizio Plessi (Italy) for sccnography and videosculptures and composer Michael Nyman (England) who will create original music and conduct his ten musicians on the stage of the Opera. The Fall of Icarus is derived from the famous, enigmatic painting by Bruegel the Elder entitled « Landscape with Fall of Icarus». Icarus, an emblematic figure of the artist in the crisis of his technique, drags us away with his insane gesture into a free space. Seven actors/dancers are sever Icarus who offer us a polyphony of electric images, of music, chorégraphiés, video machines, contrasting actions and simulacra. Propelled by the passionate and infinite musical structures of Michael Nyman through cathodic labyrinths and deep solemnity of the video environments of Fabrizio Plessi. Icarus scrambles our perceptions to draw us better into his «inner reality». The Fall of Icarus presents itself as a sum of our most vivid fantasies: tren-

sion of impending catastrophy, obsessional Utopia with our technical modernity to subvert it better, recall of the eternal human madness, powers of creation and desire, metaphysical terror, a new conception of our «ideal cities». All of this can be found here in a great fresco, devoid of neither humour nor vertigo, through which lightening bolts or cascades may errupt. a confrontation between our memory and the images we see. □

Coprodotto dall’ Opera National de Belgique e dal Plan K, The Fall of Icarus verra allest ito e rappresentato per la prima volta al Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie, a Bruxelles, dal 18 al 22 ottobre 1989.' The Fall of Icarus, frutto della collaborazione fra tre artisti di estrazioni cultural! diverse, testimonia una cer-

ta febre créatrice europea. In The Fall of Icarus si incontrano e si integrano in modo vivo ľopera e la sceneggiatura del belga Frédéric Flamand. la scenografia e le video-sculture dcll'italiano Fabrizio Plessi e la musica orignale delľinglese Michael Nyman . ehe dirigera i suoi dieci musicisti sulla scéna dell’Opéra. The Fall of Icarus ha come punto di partenza il celebre ed enigmatico quadro di Bruegel il Vecchio intitolato « Paesaggio con caduta di learo». Icaro, figura emblematica dcll’artista alle prese con la propria tccnica. ci fa viaggiare, grazie al suo insensato gesto, in urn mondo affrancato e libero. Sette attori-ballcrini, sette Icaro, ci propongono una polifonia di immagini elettronichc, di suoni, di coreografie, di video-macchine, di azioni contrastate e di simulacri. □