
from this field and proposed to the actors for the first time in January 1989, so that they comment them and give a first series of hypotheses on the possible theatrical relations between these objects, □

The Sojourn: A »Great Fiction« The Sojourn is an attempt to manipulate on the stage some artistic forms, objects or fragments of objects taken as possible stories. The Sojourn organizes a network of potential links between these unwritten, unspoken stories: statues by John Davies, a miniature ruin by Ann and Patrick Poirier, the childish shadows of Boltanski, a composition by Jadovic, another one by Brian Eno... In fact, this project elaborates a Gre-

at Fiction. In the show, you will have three entrances into the gigantic story and though, as strange as it may seem, the integrity of the project will not be fragmented nor summed up by these three parts. The entire project exists only in the listing of these three parts, and in the hypotheses and comments they arouse. These three different moments have not strict causality relations between them. They arê the moments in which the Sojourn is to be seen, so that everyone may reconstitute the whole network of accordances, according to what he has seen, □ October 1988. François-Michel PESENTI Boravak: »velika tvorevina mašte« U srži zagonetke je da saopštava stvarne stvari povezivanjem nemogučih stvari. Aristotel Boravak je pozorišna manipulacija umetničkim oblicima, predmetima ili njihovim. delovima, shvačenim kao moguče prípev.esti. Boravak organizuje mrežu mogučih veza medu ovim nenapísaním i neizgovorenim pripovestima: kipovima Johna Daviesa, minijaturnim ruševinama Anne i Patricka Poiriera, delinjastim senkama 'Boltanskog, jednom Jadovicovom kompozicijom Briana Enoa... U suštini, ovo je projekt o jednoj Velikoj tvorevini mašte. Predstava nudi proniknuče u tri stava

divovske price ali, makoliko to čudno zvučalo, ta tri dela ne razbijaju i ne sažimaju celinu projekta. Između ova tri stava ne postoji nikakav strog uzročan sled. To su trenuci u kojima se Boravak izlaže pogledu i u kojima svako môže da vaspostavi svoju mrežu podudarnosti na osnovu onog što je video. □ Oktobar 1988. François-Michel PESENTI

Boravak PRVI DEO I Materijal Morelov pronalazak Bio Casaresa Chirico've metafizičke slike - tekst Pierrea Klebanera o Matti - Kudelkine fotografije - Vadukulove fotografije - arena - izveštaji o psihoanalitičkom lečenju psihotične dece - Pustošenje Samuela Becketta - Balthusove ličnosti - Tolles Welter Martina Dn-