
kode i svi su se u dvořani zasmejali. Ta muzika je istakla slobodu Monkove i videlo se da se McFerrin u Ponašanju и duetu divno zabavljao, za razliku od Peta Methenya kóji je smrknuto reprodukovao ono što mu je Steve Reich napisao u Električnom konktrapunktu. Monkova i McFerrin su vokal cvrkutali u tandemu, a igra se izgleda sastojala u tome da se vidi koliko mogu da .se udalje od prvobitne šeme, a da se ne izgube. Neke ranije pesme uključivale su sličné privátné igre, a energija koja se dobíjala od jednog do drugog izvodača živo se prenosila na publiku, koja nije mogla da se uzdrži od pljeska čak i kad je McFerrin zbunjeno zamolio za tišinu. I sam odnos između melodične muzike Meredith Monk i avangarde zabavan je i izaziva gomilu asoeijaeija. U Zvonkom mestu devetoro pevača prenose jedan drugom zvuk u krugovima í drugim rasporedima. Njihovo jednolično pevanje podseča na Stockhausenovo Stimovanje, usklici i jodlovanje na Berioov Lavirint 11, ali je Monkova oba uticaja lišila njihovih intelektualnih pretenzija. Ako su Stockhausen i Berio dokázali da svi zvúci mogu da budu muzika, Monkova je dokazala da je dokazivanje dečja igra kóju je spremna da igra ako se odstráni sav mužjački žar. Moram da je stavím na svoj kratak spisak, i to možda na sam vrh postmodernih kompozitora zato što je poljuljala tie avangardi i tom prilikom očarala publiku. Kao ni Reich, ni Monkova nije zaista sledečí talas vec prvi talas, deo grupe koja je širokú javnost upoznala sa novom muzikom. Oboje su, međutim, postavili standarde za komunikativnost koje navodni sledečí talas kao da nije spreman da sledi. Nietzsche je predskazao saraosvest moderne umetnosti u aksiomu koji bi trebalo da visí u svákom ateljeu: Svako ko zna da je dubok, tezi jasnočí; svako ко Ы hteo da deluje duboko pred svetinom, tezi nejasnoči. Jer svetina šmátrá da je duboko sve čemu ne vidi dno... Američki kompozitori na koje se ovo ne odnosi, mogu se nabrojati na prstima ruku. Meredith Monk se svrstava medu njih. □ The Village Voice, December Bth 1987. Kyle Gann

Meredith Monk Meredith Monk is a composer, singer, filmmaker, and director/choreographer. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, Mr. Monk has created more than sixty music (theater) dance and film works since 1964. She has received numerous awards, including two Guggenheim Fellowships, a Brandeis Creative Arts Award, three Obies (including an award for Sustained Achievement), two Villager Awards (the most recent for Outstanding Composer for Turtle Dreams), a Bessie for Sustained Creative Achievement, the 1986 National Music Theatre Award, and sixteen ASCAP Awards for Musical Composition. Dolmen Music (ЕСМ/ PolyGram Classics) and Our Lady of Late: The Vanguard Tapes (Wergo) were both honored with the German Critics prize for Best Records of 1981 and 1986. Her film Ellis Island won the Cine Golden Eagle Award, was awarded prizes at the Atlanta and San Francisco Film Festivals, and was shown nationally by PBS. Awards for her video collaborations with Ping Chong include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting First Prize for Performance Programming (to KTCA TV, Minneapolis) for PARIS, and the Grand Prize at the first Video Culture Canada festival in Toronto for Turtle Dreams (Waltz). During a career that spans almost 25 years, she has been a major creative force in the performing arts. In 1968 Ms. Monk founded The House, a company dedicated to an inter-disciplinary approach to performance. She formed Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble in 1978 to perform her unique vocal compositions. Ms. Monk has recorded eight albums - the latest, Book of Days, will be released in the Spring on ECM/PolyGram Classics. In recent years, she composed a short music/movemenl sequence for David Byrne’s film TRUE STORIES, mounted her musical work on the members of the Houston Grand Opera Studio, and had a retrospective of her film/vidco work presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art. In addition, she presented The Travelogue Series. a collaboration with Ping Chong, at the Joyce Theater in New York City, exhibited Silver Lake With Dolmen

Music, a sound installation, at the Whitney Museum of American Art, composed music for the film The Fayum Portrait by Bob Rosen, and Andree Simon, and premiered Duet Behavior (with Bobby McFerrin) and The Kinging Place at the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave Festival. Last year Ms. Monk completed her feature film. Book of Days, which will be aired this year on PBS and on La Sept in Europe. It was selected for the New York, Chicago, Berlin, Montreal, Hong Kong and Florence Film Festivals. Last season she performed a duet concert at Town Hall in New York City, was awarded the honorary degrees of Doctor of Arts from Bard College and the University of the Arts, and was named a MacDowell Sigma Alpha lota Fellow. Upcoming plans include domestic and international touring and a new work for The Minnesota Opera. Ms. Monk has been commissioned by the Houston Grand Opera, Walker Art Center and American Music Theater Festival to com-

pose a new opera which will premiere in the Spring of 1991. □

Meredith Monk There was nothing obscure about Monk’s November 20 concert, which showed her and her group in absolutely top form. Along with the marvelous voice of Andrea Goodman, the deadpan pianism of Nurit Tilles, the willowy humor of Rober Een, and others, Monk sang and swayed to earlier songs such as Panda Chant, Memory Song and the Book of Days, and premiered Duet Behavior (with jazz singer Bobby McFerrin) and The Ringing Place. Each tune (they were too much fun to be called works ) did

meredith monk and vocal ensemble njujork, sad i ' knjiga dana: koncert (book of days: a musical concert) muzika; meredith monk kostimi: yoshio yabara osvetljenje: tony giovannetti učestvuju: meredith monk i vokálni ansambl: robert een ching gonzales andrea goodman naaz hosseini nicky paraiso nurit tilles program: 1 sólo izbor izvođač: meredith monk pauza 2 houston set: panda chant memory song tokyo cha-cha izvođači: robert een, andrea goodman, meredith monk, nicky paraiso (glasovi) robert een (čelo) andrea goodman, meredith monk, nicky paraiso (klavijatura) pauza 3 knjiga dana (odiomci) izvođači: robert een, ching gonzales, andrea goodman, haaz hosseini, meredith monk, nicky paraiso, nurit tilles (glasovi) nurit tilles (klavÿatura) “češće meredith monk i vocal ensemble-a na 24. bitefu ostvareno je u saradnji sa informativnom službám ambasade sad u bcogradu.

Učešće Meredith Monk na Bitefu finansijski su omogucili: Fond za američke umetnike na medunarodnim festivalima (Fund for US Artists at International Festivals), Zajednička inicijativa Rokfeierove fondacije (Joint Initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation), Nacionalna zadužbina za umetnost (National Endowment for the Arts), Informatívna agencija Sjedinjenih država (US Information Ageiicy) i Informatívna služba Američke ambasade.