
vošču i maštom. Više od petnaest godina on radi na distoreiji vremena, prostora i stvarnosti. Zasnovane na bogatoj literaturi i slikarstvu, njegove predstave zrače emocijama, senzacijama i podsvesnim, sa stvarnim ushicenjem. Bez obzira na to što su predstave COSMOS KOLEJ bez teksta, veoma su recite i muzikalne. Prilično su univerzalne i gostovale su u okolini Liona, gde je i sedište grupe, po Francuskoj i čitavoj Evropi, na Festivalu u Avinjonu. Jesenjem festivalu u Parizu, u Barseloni, na festivalu u Rimu. u Granadi u Španiji, u istočnim zemljama, a uskoro če gostovati i na Beogradskom festivalu, kao i u Holandiji. Belgiji i Nemačkoj. □

Théâtre et curiosités “The Cosmos Kolej theater is definitely not conventional. Since its creation, its characters reveal us in the secret of hold warehouses with their blurred dreams inhabited by lame children, by scrap iron, by bulbs with filament and by trains which carry endless wanderers in search of any blazing of History as uncertain party. This visionary theater is expert in the art of misleading the traveller-spectator in the suburbs of his imaginary." □ Magdalena Czcrnicwska

As we can feel it through these two quotations, the work of the company tries to explore new drama territories. To speak to the reason of the audience is not the point. On the contrary, to talk to its memory, its insight, its imagination is very stimulating for Wladyslaw Znorko since he founded Cosmos Kolej in 1981. For now more than 15 shows, he has been working on the distortion of time, of space and of reality. There are no boundaries in such a theater. Ba-

sed on very rich literature and painting references, his performances stage emotion, sensations and subconscious with a real jubilation. The Cosmos Kolej productions do not have text but nevertheless are very wordy and musical. So, they arc quite universal and have been touring the region of Lyon, where the company is set up. France and the whole Europe, especially the Festival of Avignon the Automn Festival in Paris and the one in Barcelona, the festival of Roma, of Granada in Spain, the eastern countries and soon the Belgrade Festival as well as Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. □

-Wasquehal to the headtown Paris, he used to build fabulous stories, listening his father, born in Wilon, lituany, and soldier during the WW II from steppes’ snows to Egyptian desert. Stimulated by a training with Stephen Borst from New York Performance Group, he committed himself and his good fellows to the drama by the end of the seventies. Now, he cooks some left-overs from Humanity and creates some shows whose key he does not have, in the theaters gifted for curiosity. So, he writes and stages believing doing painting. Nobody dares contradict this guy, who makes a lot of efforts not to die from grief (“3/4 of the human beings die from sorrow” said Alexandre Vialatte, french writer and journalist of the 50’s and the 60's, one of his spiritual father with the russian film-maker Andrej Tarkó wski). □

Wladyslaw Znorko, Inventor Born like everybody in Roubaix, a working-class town in the north of France, Wladyslaw Znorko achieved today to a score of one hundred and eighty-four centimeters for seventyeight kilos. Grown up between the canal and the old disused factory, brought up to the pace of arthritic goods trains which linked the little town of Croix-