
što je od Njeguša uzeo 1700. dukata]; po tom, videói, da u onijem krševima nije sjedišta s vojskom, otide putem Ćuprilićevijem preko Lovćena i Mletačkoga primorja u svoju Arbaniju. A Crnogorci opet ostanu, kao sto su i bili. □ Vuk Stefanović Karadžić: »O Crnoj Gori« Njegoš, Montenigrin poet Njegoš, Petar Petrović [Njeguši 1813-Cetinje 1851]. Montenegrin poet. Born Rade Tomov, he took his name from his native village [near Cetinje], was brought up by his uncle, the Prince-Bishop of Montenegro Petar I, whom he succeeded in 1830, taking the ecclesiastical name of Petar and ruling Montenegro, till his death from T. B. Educated in a private school in Boka Kotorska and privately at the monastery of Cetinje, he had as his tutor Sima Milutinovic, a Serbian romantic poet of some standing at that time, who cultivated in him an interest for poetry and philosophical thought. In 1833 and 1837 he made visits to Russia where he read Pushkin and Zhukovsky. He also studied Hugo, Lamartine, Byron, Dante, and Milton, all of whom influenced his writings. In 1833 he published his first collection of poems, »Pustinjak pustinjski«. His main works are »Luča mikorkozma« (1845; tr. C. A. Manning, »The Rays of Micrososm,« Munich, 1953], the poetic drama »Gorski vijenac« [1847; tr. J. M. Wiles, »The Mountain Wreath,« n. d.] and the play »Lažni car Šćepan mali« [lBsl]. His writing is philosophical in character. The long poem on the fall of man, »Luča mikrokozma,« places man’s sin against God before creation, the world being seen as a place of punisment, lightened only by vague intuitions of man’s divine nature. Some critics consider it to have been influenced by »Paradise Lost. « In »Gorski vijenac« his dialectical view of life, in which joy and suffering are both necessary facets of a tragic existence, is portrayed against a background of Montenegrin history and custom. His central theme is a philosophy of heroism. His style is highly individual, laconic but full of energy, drawing on the folk songs and proverbs of his people. □ [EDG] □ »The Penguin Comparion to Literature« European, edited by A. Thorlby, Penguin Book, 1969