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fIPEfIVSETiE EAEKTPOCPBHJA MSBOfIM M nPOJEKTYJE EJIEKTPMHHE MHCTAJIAqUJE - CBE BPCTE MBBOfIM M HPOJEKTVJE CBE BPCTE CJIABE M JAKE CTPVJE MSBOfll/l U HPOJEKTVJE CBE BPCTE TPAOO CTAHMUA M VPEUAJA Activities: Execution of works in Yugoslavia and abroad, execution and designing of all kinds of electrical, high and law voltage installations, transformer stations and devices. BEOPPAfI - KPEbAHA, P. AHfIPMJAHOBMTiA 11 TEJI: 711-299, TEJIEOAKC: 711-188