
THE PRELJOCAJ BALLET Created in December 1984, the Preljocaj company became „Centre Choréographique National de Champigny-sur-Marne at du Val de Marne” in 1989. It then became „Ballet Preljocaj, Centre Choréographique National de la Région ProvenceAlpes-Côte d'Azur, de la Ville d'Aix-en-Provence et du Département des Bouches du Rhône” in 1996. The Ballet is now established at La Cité du Livre in Aix-en-Provence. Since the founding of his company, now composed of 24 dancers. Angelin Preljocaj has created twenty or more choreographies, nine of which are currently in repertory, ranging from duos to a score of 1 2 or more dancers. Resolutely contemporary, with an emphasis on creation, the company values the conservation of works in order to inscribe dance into a historical chronology and to do away with the notion of the ephemeral that has always surrounded ballet. The spreading of its repertory in France and abroad represent one of the company's priorities: Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Albania, the Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Canada, Luxembourg, USA... A devoted partner since 1990, the Paribas Fondation had supported the creations of Angelin Preljocaj and its Ballet tours.

ANGELIN PRELJOCAJ'S DANCE by Dominique Fretard When he left the company of Dominique Bagouet, Angelin Preljocaj surprised by the choice of his subject: the statutory tribute to the dead in A nos héros (1 988), the heroism of Jeanne d'Arc in Hallali Romée (1 987), the solitude of sex in Liqueurs de Chair (1 988). previously, he had won the Competition Bagnolet with Marché Noir , satirical title by which he gave his opinion about competitions in general. As of Larmes Blanches in 1 985, his writing came into its own: musical, abstract, sure of itself. Then he wanted to take a risk; that of inscribing his dance into the history of dance since its creation in the XVII century. He was open to ail historical influences. So he choreographed Roméo et Juliette (1 990) for the Ballet de l'Opéra National de Lyon with the scenery of Enki Bilal, then Le Parc (1 994) for the Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris, a complex voyage in the country of Tenderness. With the same spirit, he presented a „revisitation” of Noces, of Parade, of Spectre de la Rose, an undertaking which he entitled Hommage aux Ballets Russes (1 993). At the Festival de Châteauvallon, and then in Avignon, he created a ballet from a book by the writer Pascal Guignard: a successful musical tragedy, the audacious L'Anoure (1995). In ten years, Preljocaj has travelled his own singular and original path. Nowadays, he is among those European coreographers who are remarkably well respected internationally. Extract of „La Danse in France 1 996" - Chronicle of the AFAA