
GRAD KOJI JE POLUDEO (THETOWNTHATWENTMAD) Osnovni podad Ova predstavaje, kao zajednički poduhvat, pócela sa troje albanskih umetnika iz Makedonije i prvi put je izvedena u etno-centru na poluostrvu Cauer u Zapadnom Velsu u leto 1995. godine. Codinu dana kasnije, novu režiju, kao jedno od mogućnih tumačenja, ponudioje Branko Brezovec iz Hrvatske. Pre kratkog gostovanja po Velikoj Britaniji i Nemačkoj, u jesen 1996. godine, izvedena je u Grand Theatre u Svonsiju. Nažalost, zbog teškoća око autorskih prava, délo Dylana Thomasa nismo mogli da adaptiramo onako kako smo to prvobitno zamislili. Volcano, velška trupa koja živi i radi u Svonsiju, rodnom mestu i dugogodišnjem domu Dylana Thomasa, nije više mogla da izvodi predstavu Pod mlečnom šumom onako kako smo želeli. U prvoj predstavi smo izabrali Thomasovo planirano proširenje "noćnog prizora" kao središnu temu. Isto tako, dali smo prednost Thomasovom naglasku na ludilu stanovnika grada, njihovom odbijanju da se povinuju konvencijama razuma, morala i društvenog pravoverja. U novoj predstavi, zadržavamo naglasak na posebnom identitetu gradjana kao neumerene i romantične zajednice koja se suočava sa nerazumevanjem i neprijateljskim pogledima društva izvan nje. Napetost izmedju romanticizma te zajednice i racionalnosti društva verovatno su bile jedno od najuzbudljiviji h pitanja u životu i radu Dylana Thomasa, pa to ostaje ključna napetost u našoj predstavi. U Cradu koji je poludeo koristimo lirske reči Wordswortha i Blakea, kritički moderni pogled Cwin Thomas, oštar jezik Caradog Evansa i ogorčeni urn Friedricha Nietzschea. Sve druge reči je napisao Paul Davies. Premijera Grada koji Je poludeo bila je u martu 1997. godine, kadaje izvodjena pred prepunim gledalištem na velikim manifestacijama u Rumuniji, uključujući prestižno pozorište Bulandra u Bukureštu, Narodno pozorište u Temišvaru i Narodno pozorište u Krajovi. Ujunuje predstava izvedena u londonskom South Bank Centre.

THETOWNTHATWENTMAD Background information This show began as a collaboration with three Albanian actors from Macedonia, and was first performed at a heritage centre on the Cower Peninsula in West Wales in the summer of 1 995. A year later it was re-directed as one possible interpretation of Under Milk Wood by Branko Brezovec of Croatia; and was performed at Swansea's Grand Theatre before embarking on a short tour of the U.K. and Germany in the autumn of 1 996. Unfortunately due to copyright difficulties it became impossible for us to adapt the work of Dylan Thomas in the manner that we had originally conceived. Volcano, a Welsh company, living and working in Swansea - the birthplace and for many years the home of Dylan Thomas - could no longer perform Under Milk Wood as we had wished. In our original production, we had chosen Thomas' projected extension of the “night scene” as the central theme of Milk Wood. We also preferred Thomas' emphasis on the madness of the inhabitants of the town, their refusal to bow to the conventions of reason, morality and social orthodoxy. In this new production, we retain an emphasis on the separate identity of the townspeople as an intemperate and romantic community that faces the uncomprehending gaze of external society with a hostile glare. The tension between the romanticism of the community and the rationality of society may well have been one of the most potent issues within the life and work of Dylan Thomas and it remains a tension central to our production. In THETOWNTHATWENTMAD we have used the lyrical words of Wordsworth and Blake, the critical modern eye of Cwyn Thomas, the sharp tongue of Caradog Evans and the bitter mind of Fredrich Nietzsche. All other words are written by Paul Davies. THETOWNTHATWENTMAD was premiered in March 1997, when it played to packed houses at large scale venues in Romania; including the prestigious Bulandra Theatre in Bucarest, the National Theatre in Timisoara and the National Theatre of Craiova. In June, the production was also presented at London's South Bank Centre,