
PHIL SOLTANOFF Rodjen u Solsberiju, MA, dipiomirao na Kenjon Koledžu i Hartmanovom pozorišnom konzervatorijumu u Stamfordu, KT. Saradjuje sa Williamstown Theater Festivalom i umetnicki je direktor njegove Act 1 Company i Mad Doga. U Vilijamstaunu je režirao mnogo predstava, kao što su The Tooth of Crime, Cowboys # 2 (proglašena za najbolju Nove generacije 1986. godine), American Buffalo, Road, nekoliko delà za odredjene lokacije, u saradnji sa dramskim piscem Charlsom L. Meejem, Jr., uključujući njegove adaptacije Oresta, Bahantkinja, Trojanki: ljubavna priča i to whom it may concern. Radio je u mnogobrojnim američkim pozorištima, kao što su New York Shakespeare Festival, Cincinnati Playhouse, Capitoi Rep, Ensemble Studio Theatre i Playwright Horizons. Počeo je da se bavi i muzikom. Bio je član 8.M.1. Musical Theater Lab, a u oblasti kompozicije napisaoje originalnu muziku za Dobrog ćoveka iz Sečuana i pank-rok adaptaciju The Revengers Tragedy. Nekoliko godinaje saradjivao sa čikaškom bluz grupom Smokestack Lightning i na pozornici se pojavljivao sa legendarnim Elvinom Bishopom i Holmes Brothers. MAD DOG Mad Dog was created in 1 986 by Artistic Director Phil Soltanoff. it began with his desire to explore new theatrical approaches to contemporary and classical texts. Since 1992 the company has been developing a kinetic movement vocabulary and creating original site-specific work. Mad Dog also remains deeply committed to ensemble actor training. Previous Mad Dog productions have included American Buffallo (1986), The Crackwalker (1 989),

Road (1991), Orestes (1 993), The Bacchae (1 994), The Trojan Woman: A Love Story ( 1 995). Although most Mad Dog productions have been created outside of the mainstream theatrical community, Phil Soltanoff has also been associated with Williamstown Theatre Festival since 1 991. This has a created a link between the alternative theatrical strategies of Mad Dog and the workshop training program of the Williamstown Theatre Festival. Phil Soltanoff in association with the W.T.F. Act 1 Company has created several ensemble-based movement pieces, including three collaborations with playwright Charles L. Mee, Jr. During the summer of 1 997 Mad Dog created a new work entitled time/piece at a site in Williamstown, MA. Mad Dog hopes to continue exploring the possibilities of its unique, kinetic form of actor movement training, as well as raising questions of performance space outside of the traditional confines of theatrical architecture.