
Plastelin Vasilija Sigareva dobio je nagradu Festivala "Ljubimovka', Debitantsku nagradu i Anti-booker nagradu od novina “Nezavisimaja". Pozorišni komad je predstavljen u okviru Svetske pozorišne olimpijade u Moskvi, u leto 2001. CENTER OF DRAMA AND DIRECTION IN MOSCOW Center of Drama and Direction opened in December 1998. The Center is a unique structure, wich gives an opportunity for young directors, playwrights, actors, stage designers and young people of other theatre professions recive an opportunity to put into practice their creative ideas and make their first proffesionai works. It is the one and only Center like that in Moscow in Russia. The Center works in close contact with the “Dramaturg" magazine and the annual festival of young playwrights in Liubimovka, a former Stanislavski estate near Moscow. In the course of the four seasons, the Center presented over a dozen of performances, half of them - plays by young Russian playwrights: Judith and An Infernal Commedy by Elena Issaeva, New Life by Ekaterina Shagaiova, A Kiss by Artem Khryakov, Plastelin by Vassily Sigarev, Oblom - off by Mikhail Ugarov. Besides, one of the plays, Moscow - an Open City is in fact a collection of about a dozen of short plays, by contemporary and very young Russian playwrights about modern life in Moscow. The plays were originally written for a Russian-British seminar of playwriting, organized by the British Council in Moscow jointly with the London Royal Court Theatre. Consequently, Plastelin by Vassily Sigarev was just recently staged by the Royal Court Theatre in London. During the four seasons, the Center developed into one of the most exciting theatrical places in Moscow.

Alexey Kazantsev, who is now the Artistic Director of the Center, has founded the Center. Alexey Kazantsev is a famous Russian playwright (An Old House, A Silver Cord Snaps, Running Wanderers, etc). His plays are presented in many Russian theatres and abroad, and have been translated into many foreign languages. He has just finished a new play, The Kremlin, Come to Me! In 1993, Alexey Kazantsev started the Dramaturg (Playwright) magazine, jointly with another prominent Russian playwright, Mikhail Roshchin. Besides, Alexey Kazantsev is one of the organizers of the annual festival of young playwrights in the Liubimovka estate near Moscow. Alexei Kazantsev started his stage career as an actor and director. ABOUT THE AUTOR AND THE PLAY: Vassily Sigarev is 24. He was born and lives in Niyhni Tagil in the Urals, He is a member of the Playwright's seminar led by Nikolai Kolada, a famous contemporary playwright and director. Kolada organized a seminar in Ekaterinburg in the Urals, This seminar became a genuine source of material for modern Russian theatre directors, and several of its members were awarded theatre priyes for their first plays, presented at the seminar. Play Dough by Vassily Sigarev received the prize of the Liubimovka festival, the "Debut" award and the "Anti-booker" award by the “Nezavisimaya" (Independent) newspaper. The play was shown in the framework of the World Theatre Olympiad in Moscow in the summer 2001.