
-simboličkih sadržaja, kao što su molitve, poezija, mantre i putopisi snova. Napisala je enciklopediju o Hazarima - rečnik snova, nazvan Hazarski rečnik, ali njena verzija te knjige je poznata kao “ženska verzija". Mokaddasa Al-Safer. njen Ijubavnik, napisao je "mušku verziju" Hazarskog rečnika. Pakao je Ateh oduzeo pol, pa je postala ni muškarac ni žena, osudio je na večni život tako da nikada ne može umreti i kaznio je da zaboravi svoj jezik i sve što je znala. Pre nego što ga je zaboravila, naučila je ptice hazarskom jeziku i svojim pesmama i poslala ih u svet. Zatim je izgubila pol i sve zaboravila. Nestala je izmedu dva trena očiju, večito živa, ne žureći se, jer joj je večnost otupila osećaj šta u vremenu dolazi pre, a šta posle. Kasnije Virginia Ateh (vidi Ateh V), konobarica u carigradskom hotelu Kingston. Ateh Virginia - Konobarica u carigradskom hotelu Kingston i glavni svedok übistva na terasi hotela Kingston u XXI veku, izgleda potpuno "od nekog drugog sveta”. Sve što ona govori i kako izgleda je čudno, neobično i upozorava da ona nije sasvim obična konobarica i da ne pripada svetu u kome je vidimo. Ranije princeza Ateh (vidi Ateh). Branković Kir Avram - U XVII veku srpski plemić, erudita, poligiota i polihistor, koji je radio najpre kao najamni diplomata za Engleze u Carigradu, a zatim kao najamni vojskovoda za Austriju u bici s Turcima na Dunavu u Vlaškoj. Branković, koji je u svoje vreme takođe istraživao hazarsko pitanje i Hazarski rečnik, jeste čovek od mnogo ruku, koji nosi svoj osmeh kao alhemiju medu drugim naukama i veštinama svoga lica. On spada medu one koji s posebnom pažnjom neguju sopstvenu budućnost, kao neki veliki povrfnjak, Govorilo se da laže na vlaškom, ćuti na grčkom, peva na ruskom, a kad hoće da übije, on progovori na srpskom. Ranije Dr Isajlo (vidi Suk I), kasnije Konstantin Solunski, fiiozof (vidi Konstantin). Devojka u Pašinom logoru (XVII v.) - U XVII veku i Dubrovčanka (vidi Dubrovčanka), kasnije gospoda Van der Spaak (vidi Spaak, Van der, gospođa). Dubrovčanka (XVII v.) - U XVII veku i Devojka u Pašinom logoru (vidi Devojka), kasnije gospođa Van der Spaak (vidi Spaak, Van der, gospođa). Farabi Ibn Kora - U IX veku islamski misionar na hazarskom dvoru, učesnik u hazarskoj polemici. Nije voleo da se u njegovom prisustvu pominju imena, pa ni njegovo vlastilo. Smatrao je da svet bez imena postaje jasniji i čistiji. Islamski izvori kažu da je svojim argumentima übedio kagana, koji se priklonio islamskom učenju, skinuo pojas i pomolio se Alahu. Kasnije Turski vojnik (vidi Vojnik), još kasnije dr Abu Kabir Muawia (vidi Muawia).

hunter of dream hunters Yusuf Masudi. Earlier Ibn Abu Haderash (see Haderash), later Mr Van der Spaak (see Spaak, Van der, Mr). Army Turkish (17th century) - Earlier Dream Hunters ( see Dream hunters), later guests in the Kingston Hotel (see Guests). Ateh Princess - In the 9th century wife, daughter or sister - and perhaps all three - of the Kaghan, ruler of the Khazar state. She is unusual, incredibly beautiful, yet strangely different from everyone else. The term “Khazar face” referred to the characteristic of all Khazars, including Princess Ateh, of starting each day as someone else, with a completely new and unfamiliar face which is difficult to recognize and remember. Her name is taken to be the term for the Khazars' four states of consciousness. She heads the mystic Khazar sect of priests known as the Dream Hunters, who can travel through dreams in time and space, carrying messages, objects and events centuries into the past or the future. They enter people's dreams, influencing the destinies of those being dreamed about. Ateh is a famous poetess who writes mystical - symbolistic poetry in the form of prayers, mantras and travelogues of dreams. She has written a Khazar encyclopaedia, a dictionary of dreams called "The Khazar Dictionary ". Her version of the book is known as the "female edition". Mokaddasa Al-Safer, her lover, wrote the “male edition” of “The Khazar Dictionary “. Hell punishes her by depriving her of the ability to die, making her forget her own language and everything she ever knew, divesting her of her sex, leaving her neither man nor woman. But before forgetting the Khazar language, she taught her language and her poems to the birds and sent them out into the world. She vanished between two blinks of the eye, left to live forever, without haste, because eternity had blunted her feeling for what comes before and what comes after in time. Later, Virginia Ateh (see Ateh V), waitress at the Kingston Hotel in Istanbul. Ateh Virginia - Waitress at the Kingston Hotel in Istanbul in the 21st century and the principal witness in the case of the murder on the terrace of that hotel. Her appearance and the way she speaks seem unusual, somewhat strange, indicating that she is no ordinary waitress and does not belong to the world we find her in. Earlier, Princess Ateh (see Ateh) Branković Kyr Avram - In the 17th century, a prominent Serb noble, an erudite, polyglot and polyhistor who worked first as a diplomat hired by the British in Constantinople and then as a military commander hired by the Austrians to fight the Turks on the Danube in Wailachia. Branković who also studied the Khazar question was a man of many talents who wore his smile like alchemy among the other skills and knowledge of his face. He is a person who tends to his future like a garden - with special attention and zeal. It has been said that he lied in Wallachian,