
majčinog dupeta ( Wiping My Mother's Arse), kao i "Herald Archangel” za ukupno umetničko dostignuće. Traverse je opet imao dobru žetvu sa predstavama na Fringe festivalu 2002. godine. Udaljena ostrva (Outlying Islands) i Gvožđe (Iron) nagradeni su i presli u Royal Court Theatre u Londonu, Iste godine Traverse je pojačao svoje međunarodno učešće i gostovanja organizovanjem evropske turneje predstave Gagarinov put i uspesnom turnejom predstave Homerovi (Homers) po severozapadnoj Skotskoj i ostrvima. The Times"

TRAVERSE THEATRE "Powerhouse of new writing" "Daily Telegraph" ARTISTIC DIRECTOR PHILIP HOWARD The Traverse is Scotland's new writing theatre. Founded in 1963 by a group of maverick artists and enthusiasts, it began as an imaginative attempt to capture the spirit of adventure and experimentation of the Edinburgh Festival all year round. Throughout the decades, the Traverse has evolved and grown in artistic output and ambition. It has refined its mission by strengthening its commitment to producing new plays by Scottish and international playwrights and actively nurturing them throughout their careers. Traverse productions have been seen worldwide and tour regularly throughout the UK and overseas. The Traverse has produced over 600 new plays in its lifetime and, through a spirit of innovation and risk-taking, has launched the careers of many of the country's best known writers. From, among others, Stanley Eveling in the 19605, John Byrne in the 19705, Liz Lochhead in the 1980 s, to David Greig and David Harrower in the 19905, the Traverse is unique in Scotland in its dedication to new writing. It fulfils the crucial role of providing the infrastructure, professional support and expertise to ensure the development of a dynamic theatre culture for Scotland. The Traverse's activities encompass every aspect of playwriting and production, providing and facilitating play reading panels, script

development workshops, rehearsed readings, public playwriting workshops, writers' groups, discussions and special events. The Traverse's work with young people is of supreme importance and takes the form of encouraging playwriting through its flagship education project, Class Act, as well as the Traverse Young Writers' Group. EDINBURGH'S TRAVERSE THEATRE IS A MINI-FESTIVAL IN ITSELF From its conception in the 19605, the Traverse has remained a pivotal venue during the Edinburgh Festival. It receives enormous critical and audience acclaim for its programming, as well as regularly winning awards. In 2001 the Traverse was awarded two Scotsman Fringe Firsts and two Herald Angels for its own productions of Gagarin Way and Wiping My Mother's Arse and a Herald Archangel for overall artistic excellence. Again in 2002 the Traverse produced two award-winning shows, Outlying Islands by David Greig and Iron by Rona Munro, which both transferred to the Royal Court Theatre, London. In 2003, The People Next Door by Henry Adam picked up Fringe First and Herald Angel awards and transferred immediately to the Theatre Royal, Stratford East. Re-cast and with a new director, The People Next Door went out on an international tour in May 2004. Raising its international profile, the Traverse will also develop projects in Japan, China, Portugal and France in 2004. PRESS QUOTES "A brilliant, shifting panorama of contemporary British life." Joyce McMillan, The Scotsman" "Ticks along with sitcom gusto faster than an abandoned suitcase at an airport terminal." Alan Chadwick, The Metro' 'Fuelled by brilliantly-observed pop culture ephemera." Neil Cooper, The Herald"