
Théâtre DOS À DEUX, Francuska

22. s eptembar, 20:00 / Bitef teatar


Reditelji, koreografi i glumci: Artur Ribeiro and André Curri Muzika: Michel Musseau Scenografia; Nicolas Cesbron Dizajn svetla; Raphaël Keller Tehničar rasvete: Frédéric Ansquer Zvuk: Antony Aubert DOSLOVCE Predstava Doslovce potpuno je specifična, jer je ostvarena u kreativnoj saradnji umetnika iz kompanije Dos à Deux sa pacijentima, štićenicima i osobljem Psihijatrijskog instituta „Marsel Rivier“ u Ivelinu (l’lnstitut psychiatrique Marcel Rivière, dans les Yvelines). Predstava postavlja pitanja izme njenih svetova, institucionalizacije, svesnin, nesvesnih i podsvesnih stanja svesti, u svetlosti poezije malih individualnih i usamljenih ludosti, koje u scenskom smislu oživljavaju kao burleska. Saradnja kompanije Dos à Deux sa Psihijatrijskim institutom „Marsel Rivier“ počela je u septembru 1999. godine pojedinačnim radionicama i malim projektima, da bi vremenom ojačala i postala učestalija, te se institucionalizovala kao deo interministarskog programa francuske vlade „Kultura u bolniPredstava Doslovce produkcija je novoustanovljene pozorišne scene u Psihijatrijskom instituai „Marsei Rivier“. U radu učestvuju osam pacijenata, tri bolničara i umetnici trupe Dos à Deux.

AUX PIEDS DE LA LETTRE It’s like an investigation: Inspectors of shadows, dreams, Of objects and of shards of life. How can we tell, how talk, Of that which does not speak? They are two, at the edge of the abyss, So many bodies suspended, appearing suddenly On to an almost bare space. Centre stage, A table, Mocking and enchanting ...Cut off from the outside world, the body of one serves the madness of the other, A foot, three feet, five hands, a head... Unending physical machinery, Bodies become slaves To their imagination. One, in his mystical delirium, keeps on writing A message to the world, The other one, victim of his obsessions, Struggles with imagined dust that dirties his feet and feels himself responsible tor the sun’s rise and fall. The little solitary madnesses, the frenzies, The rituals of survival, manias, wanderings... Echo with the poetry of gesture. Balanced between tragedy and comedy, They cling to everyday gestures In constantly renewed musicality and Perpetual theatrical invention. Aux Pieds de la Lettre is an volte-face of gestural creation, Verging on tenderness and Unexpected laughter.

THE COMPANY DOS À DEUX The company was founded in Paris in 1997 by Artur Ribeiro & André Curri, with the aim of developing artistic research on gestural theatre. Their first production, Dos d Deux, which gave its name to the company, showed-cased their talents in a gestural composition marked by emotion and sensation. The duo has had international success since 1998 and has performed more than 300 times. Their second duet know the same success and this performance has presented more than 250 times in about 12 different countries.