
Angelica Festival Bologna (96), Ars Musica Bruxelles (97), Musica Festival Strasburg (88,90,95,01), Lucerne Festival (01,03), Dresdener Tage für zeitgenössische Musik (93, 95, 97, 98),Theater Olympics / Tschechow Festival Moskau (01, 05), Saitama Arts Festival Tokyo (94, 96), Warschauer Herbst (95, 05), Roma Europa Festival (98, 00), Spoleto Festival USA (2000), Singapore Arts Festival (01), Adelaide Festival Australia (98), Lincoln Centre Festival New York (01, 03, 06), Sydney Festival (04), Kunstfest Weimar (2004) and many others. Since April 1999, Heiner Goebbels works as a professor at the which is situated in the Justus Liebig University in Giessen (Germany). He is in charge of several seminars and artistic projects and since winter 2003 managing director of the institute. The institute inhabits a professional rehearsal stage and is equipped with an audio studio and a video studio. The institute is as well dedicated to scientific research as to artistic practice (contemporary theatre and performance) and especially to the possibilities of linking both. He also collaborates in research programmes of the Center for Médias and Interactivity

ELIAS CANETTI Elias Canetti was born on 25th July 1905 in Rutschuk, Bulgaria of jew sciarade parents. In 1911 his family moved to Manchester and in 1913 following the death of his father, to Vienna. He was educated in Zurich and Frankfurt. He obtained a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Vienna. In 1939 he emigrated to London, via Paris. In 1972, Canetti received the Georg Büchner prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1981. He had homes in London and in Zurich, where he died on 14th August 1994. His vast literary legacy comprises plays and essays as well as three autobiographic works. Besides his only novel Blindness (1935) and years of work devoted to a vast anthrophological project Mass and Power (1960), his notes from 1942 to 1993 are the cornerstone: The Human Province, The Secret Heart of the Clock, The Agony of Flies, Notes from Hampstead and a further two volumes of notes Aufzeichnungen. Photos: Mario Del Curco Performance Eraritjaritjaka Musée des phrases based on texts by Elias Canetti" Main producer: Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne E.T.E. Coproducer; Schauspielfrankfurt; spielzeiteurope Berliner Festpiele; Pour-cent culturel Migros; T&M Odèon Théâtre de l'Europe; Wiener Festwochen. With the support of the foundation Landis&Gyr and the Cultural Program 2000 of the European Union (UTE, Réseau Varese) Performances in Serbia and Montenegro is realised with the support of Arts Council of Switzerland PRO HELVETIA