

ENPARTS Projekt programa Evropske Unije Kultura 2007-2013 / European Network of Performing Arts

Partneri / Partners: La Biennale di Venezia (I), Bitef teatar (SRB), Dance Umbrella (UK), Musicadhoy (E), Musik der Jahrhunderte (DE) i Spielzeit's Europa / Berliner Festspiele (DE)

ENPARTS je medunarodni projekt petogodisnje saradnje, koji daje podrsku novom stvaralastvu i unapredenju umetnickih koprodukcija. Pod okriljem Evropske komisije, ENPARTS se zalaze za Evropu koja, buduci raskrsce razlicitih iskustava, moze ostvariti jedinstvo upravo putem govora kulture i umetnosti. Putem koprodukcija njegovih partnera, u okviru ENPARTS-a ce svake godine biti realizovano nekoliko eksperimentalnih koprodukcija plesne, pozorisne i muzicke umetnosti, koje ce zatim biti prikazivane u evropskim centrima partnera ucesnika. Ovo ce biti omoguceno upravo mrezom razmene koju su institucije i festival! prethodno ostvarili. Mreza ce se realizovati i putem internet sajtova sa zajednickim programom za sve partnere, kao i putem audiovizuelnih delà koje ce pratiti izvodacke produkcije i ciniti svedocanstva о saradnji i njenim rezultatima. Osim izvodackih produkcija, partner! ce se okupljati i na velikim internacionalnim susretima. Prvi od njih odrzace se u novembru 2008. godine pod naslovom Babilonia Europa, i bavice se temom «копfuzije« razlicitih diskursa. Razvojna linija projekta ENPARTS u narednim godinama bice unapredenje pedagoske i istrazivacke aktivnosti koja promovise integraciju i interkulturalni dijalog, a narocita paznja bice posvecena mladim genracijama.

EN PARTS (European Network of Performing Arts) is an international five-year long project of which offers support to new creations and improvement of artistic co-production. Under the auspices of the European Committee, ENPARTS advocates Europe which, as an intersection of diverse experiences, can attain unity exactly through the language of culture and arts. By means of co-productions of its partners, several experimental dance, theatre and music productions will be realized each year within ENPARTS, which will then tour to European centres of the partner members. The exchange network previously established by these institutions and festivals will make this possible. The network will also be realized via websites with common program for all partners, as well as via audio-visual works that will accompany the performances and serve as a testimony of this cooperation and its results. In addition to performances, the partners will also meet at large international conferences. The first one, entitled Babilonia Europa, will take place in November 2008 and will address the theme of„confusion" of different discourses. The guideline for the ENPARTS project over the coming years will be the development of educational and research activities that promote integration and intercultural dialogue, while special attention will be given to new generations.