
Since 2000 she is based in Brussels, where in collaboration with the Dutch theater director Jan Ritsema at Kaaitheater, she made and performed in a number of performances touring widely in Europe: Verwantschappen (2000); TODAYulysses (2002); Pipelines, a construction in (2004), KNOWH2OW (2005), COCOs: Breeding, Brains and Beauty (2008). She collaborates as dramaturge and performer with a number of choreographers in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Brussels etc, Mette Ingvartsen, Jefta van Dinther, Christine Gaigg, Anne Juren, Xavier Le Roy, Eszter Salamon. In Belgrade, Bojana closely works with the TkH Center (Walking Theory Center Research in and Magazine for the Performing Arts Theory and Practice). She received M.A. degree at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade for the thesis Performative Practices beyond Musical Work: Satie, Cage, Young, Fluxus, Zorn and is currently writing a PhD ("Performance after Deleuze: Creating 'Performative'Concepts in Contemporary Dance in Europe") at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Middlesex University in London. She has been teaching performance theory and analysis in high education in many European programmes and institutions, and since 2001, she is associated as teacher at the contemporary dance school in Brussels P.A.R.T.S.. Author of two books Otvoreno delo u muzici: Boulez, Stockhausen, Cage (Beograd: SKC, 2004) and IZVAN MUZICKOG DELA: PERFORMATIVNA PRAKSA Erika Satija, Dzona Kejdza, Fluksusa, La Monta Janga I Dzona Zorna (Sremski Karlovci: izdavacka knjizarnica Zorana Stojanovica, 2007). Currently she is in residency at the Centre Chorégraphique de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillion in the project SIX MONTHS ONE LOCATION she initiated together with Xavier Le Roy.