




On April 24th, 1992, at the age of sixteen, Oliver Frljić left his parents' home. What at that moment looked like a short-term separation of the family will become a permanent state. What followed is: years of exile, first studies, second studies, forming one's own family, third studies, beginning of a professional theatre career, gradual affirmation, breakup of family, this performance. This performance takes us back to the time before April 24th, 1992.

Instead of a pathetic retelling of the family history, insights are offered and complex internal relationships in that family are decomposed. It builds its dramaturgical foundation on a tension between different family documents and author's testimonies used, and the fictional status which this documents and testimonties acquire in the space of theatrical representation. The performance was premiered on 26th May, 2011, and is one of the most-awarded in the region.

In Croatia there is this ever-lasting stereotype about family, that It is "a sacred thing', the indestructible pillar of the society and the cradle of moral values and at the same time all that really happens in the family is swept under the carpet. My experience with the family is, among other things, negative. Although there was love among us too, we were a dysfunctional family. It is these bad moments that I want to speak about.

Oliver Frljić