
As always, Bitef Polyphony explores and promotes innovative, participative and committed theatre discovering different areas for its activity, embracing different generations and involving different social categories. It draws particular attention to the theatre for, with and by young people as it brings about changes in the established practice. The thirteenth Bitef Poliphony is conceived as a space for interaction focusing on the study of narrative matrices and modern discourse which can serve as an artistic point of departure for different forms of social commitment. Workshops, presentations and productions are characteristic of openness for personal stories and social issues of the day, investigation and questioning of one's memories and the past, re-examination of the patterns of life in the present as well as the vision of the future. To A Trip to the Truth Bitef Polyphony offers the name of a game which is this year's Polyphony title: Truth or Dare.

Bitef Theatre and the Centre for drama in education and Art CEDEUM, Belgrade National Centre of the International Drama/ Theatre and Education Association IDEA

"Parobrod" institution for Culture of Stari Grad City Municipality, “Boško Buha" Theatre, Teatar Mimart, Dah Theater - Centre for Thetare Research, "Šumatovačka” Centre for Artistic Education, Institute for the Study of Cultural development, Youth Centre Belgrade, ASSITES Serbia

Ljubica Beljanski Ristič

Sanja Krsmanovič Tasič

Virdžinija Đeković, Milena Kaličanin, Dušica Gavrlivovič

Sanja Krsmanovič Tasič, Dragana Koruga, Diana KržaničTepavac, Boris Čakširan, Slobodan Bestie

Lidija Antonovič, Marjam Ristič

Anđelija Jočić

Ljubica Beljanski-Ristić

"Šumatovačka" Centre for Artistic Education Cehtfe for Drdma in Education and Art CEDEUM and the Institute for the Study of Cultural development, Belorade. Serbia

DAH Teatar Centre for Theatre Research Centre for Drama in Education and Art CEDEUM and the Coordinating Committee of IDEA Europe

Dah Teatar Centre for Theatre Research Dah Teatar Centre for Theatre Research, Belgrade, Serbia Project Networking Memories

Workshops and open presentations of projects

One of two basic frameworks are authentically created spaces in Šumatovačka Center, which will be directing and making limitations at the same time, for the authors and performers during the three-day process of creating places and communities formed of different groups. Results will be seemthrough polyphonic sculptures, made without any predetermined language, genre or duration. They will be originating from reflections, rethinking and, constructing of different existing and new artistic expressions and media, "textualized" by the answer to initial narrative- the second basic framework. Therefore, the term narrative sculptures was derived - because of active, constantly pulsating public space as a main impeller. That is an, interactive space in which various arts and artists also interact with different arts and immediate audience. With the help of the books left to be turned by the wind on the tables of Vračar garden, we will encounter the tales already told.

Inovative, creative and participative segment of the project in Šumatovačka ambiances. The aim of this segment is to explore of Roma storytellers tradition throughout interaction with contemporary theatre techniques such as storytelling theatre, image theatre, forum theatre and others related to theatre for social change. Participants in the workshops are invitee artists and young people involved in the project.

Vesna Bogunovič, Ksenija Marinkovič, Danijela Rančič, Ljubica BeljanskiRistič, Dragana Boškovič, Dragoljub Ackovič and Nela Antonovič.

The meeting of the European network of IDEA, the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association

Joachim Reiss, Tintti Karppinen, Charlotte Engel, Kristin Runde and Sanja Krsmanovič Tasič

European members of International association of drama/theatre and education IDEA (International Drama/Theatre and Education Association) and guests

IDEA Europe meets every year in a different European country with a view to promoting and encouraging joint actions and cooperation. The meeting of IDEA Europe network at the time of crisis and the ever-deteriorating conditions for the achievement of the desired goals should help to encourage, empower, support and exchange good practices and new tendencies in educational drama and theatre across Europe. Programme:

First plenary session and introductions

Second plenary session and work in groups

Closing plenary session and conclusions

Aleksandra Uroševic

Jeton Neziraj


Krsmanovič Task

Ajla Hamzič, Ena Kurtalić, Elma Selman, Admir Šehović

Irena Vinkovič and Lazar Vinkovlč

Networking Memories is a project aspiring to explore memories of the Yugoslav times among young people (born between 1983 and 1990) who never really lived in Yugoslav! - that is why these memories and emotions are borrowed no matter how powerful they might be. This specific work made of artefact and stories of the participants resulted in a specific Museum of Memories and a theatre production. The project was already realised in Priština, Sarajevo and Belgrade and the fin stage will take place in Rome and Trentino in October 2012. The partner organisations in the project are ARCS ARCI in Rome, Imam Petlju/Gariwo in Sarajevo, Oendra Multimedi in Priština and Dah Teatar Centre for Theatre Research in Belgrade. Public discussion with the authors after the performance.

Irena Ristič

Koča Ognjanovič, Aleksander Pantič, Milorad Mića Stajčić, Jelena Stojanovič, Danijela Petkovič, Danijela Vranješ, Ana Radojčič, and Karkatag Association.
