
26™ 09.


Post Scriptum is a production interpreting the opus and biography of Danilo Kiš. The dramatic basis of the production is made of his prose, poetry, his translation of Goethe’s The Erl King, factography and photographs. The boy Andi persistently searches for his father whom the Nazis took away to a camp. As he strains his ears and keeps his father’s things: his briefcase, a walking stick, a razor... he recognises the events he can describe and write down. Andi’s biography and that of his family at the time of difficult childhood in Serbia and Hungary is a chronicle of childhood in history and family; it has become literature or a viewpoint.



Adaptation and Direction: Varja Đukić Dramaturgy: Božo Koprivica Video Art: Nikola Simanić Sound Design: Zoran Jerković Music Arrangements and Transcriptions: Vjera Nikolić Choreography: Tamara Vujošević Mandić Music Selection: Vjera Nikolić, Varja Đukić, Zoran Jerkovic Violin: Vili Ferdinand! Accordion: Irena Merdović Video Editing: Igor Bakić Video Operator: Goran Brnović Sound Engineer: Miha Radonjić Stage Manager: Damjan Šuškavčević Cast: Varja Đukić - M. & Majka; Milos Marija's father; Milorad Radović - Andi, Staša Jovović Ana; Ema Vuković - Julija; Dejan Baletić, Balsa Baletić, Vasilije Minić - Boys from Krekebarabas Executive Producer: Andrijana Maliković Organisation: Duško Zaganjor Technical Manager: Arso Milačić Technical Coordinator: Luka Doknić Stage Manager: Slavko Milosevic Photography: Duško Miljanić Production: Montenegrin National Theatre



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