Bitef, 01. 01. 2013., S. 128

NIKOLA ZAVIŠIĆ born in 1975, Bela Crkva. Theatre director, dramaturgist and lighting designer. Earned MA in Prague, the Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre in 2003. Directs productions in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic and The Netherlands. Winner of numerous awards at festivals in the country and abroad (Kotor Festival of Children’s Theatres, Puppeteers' Meetings Novi Sad, Puppeteers' Meetings Niš, Festival of Vojvodina Professional Theatres, Golden Lion Festival, Umag, Croatia, TIBA Festival Belgrade, ASSITEJ Festival of Professional Theatres in Croatia, Čakovec etc.) Fie is particularly fond of experiments with lighting and different sources of light which he conducts with Radio.Nica, an informal artistic group he has headed for years.

MAJA PELEVIĆ born in 1981, Belgrade. Graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade in 2005 and defended her doctoral thesis in interdisciplinary studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade in 2005. Member of the New Drama Project. Produced plays: ESCape, Out of gear, Be Lady for a day, Belgrade-Berlin, Orange peel, Me or someone else, Jumpgirl, Perhaps we are Mickey Mouse, Strandge Loves, in 2012, she and Milan Marković carried out a project entitled They Live - In Search of the Zero Text. She is the winner of Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz Award for drama, Slobodan Selenić Award for the best graduation drama, the award at the Sterijino Pozorje competition for the original drama Perhaps We Are Mickey Mouse, Sterija award for Orange Peel as the best drama in 2010. She lives and works in Belgrade and Bečići.



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