
29 th SEPTEMBER, 13.00 Belgrade Youth Centre, Americana Hall POD Teatar & Čukarica Cultural Centre, Belgrade, Serbia ★ TWO ENDS OF A SHADOW Project and production of a community theatre Duration: 120’ (including discussion with authors) Directed by; Tanja Pajovič and Branka Bajič Participants: members of daily care centres and clubs for the elderly in Čukarica and Stari Grad II and pupils of the 13 th and the 15 th Secondary School in Belgrade. The magic of erstwhile family reunions of all generations and their story-telling seems to be on the way to extinction, Once upon a time these reunions helped us to learn from one another; we the old

(and what is different), theatre makes this difference visible and enables communication through a direct live contact, empathy and reciprocity. The work on this production created the space and time for the meeting of two generations, the meeting of a multitude of different and similar stories and important topics, personal and universal, according equal dignity to different actors, their 'languages’ and forms of expression. By working together, the participants have to plan, come to agreement, organise, conceive situations, scenes, costumes, the space where stories take place and to live the unrepeatable experience of creating a production as a joint collective act. Observation-reflection-challenge-experiment-action were

and the young, conservative and modern, ‘water under the bridge’ and barely emitting our first breath... helped us to tie up the experiences from both ends and exchange our beliefs and truths. These family events respected the worth of every individual as an equal member of the community. The project and production of Two Ends of a Shadow are an attempt to revive and shed at least a little light on such events and stories and through the magic of listening, rapprochement and exchange light up what makes the shadow: people, old and young, by giving them equal visibility and strength. How did we try to do it? As a place of communication, meeting oneself, a place where a relationship is established between those who are different


Bitef polyphony

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