
Istraživanje je podeljeno u vise celina i tema, kao što su: bajke i detinjstvo (formiranje slike sveta), uloga bajke u definisanju zla (definisanje zla i zloupotrebe), susret sa bajkom u životu odraslih (npr, američki san i mediji), kad bajke zaćute - životne bajke (surovost u realnom životu), posledice bajki (uticaji na mehanizme i sisteme u realnom životu). Učesnici u projektu i radionicama su članovi ERGstatusa i mladi učesnici u budućoj predstavi, koji će raditi u grupama na definisanju različitih koncepata i formi. kao bazičnog materijala za buduću predstavu. Ovi materijali će biti definisani i prezentovani u formi instalacije ili različitih performativnih praksi.

Nakon predstave: ASSITEJ dijalozi - razgovori mladih pozorišnih teoretičara i kritičara sa publikom

Trajanje: 50

The research is divided into several units and topics, such as fairy-tales and childhood (formation of thö image of the world), the role of fairy tales in the definition of evil (defining evil and abuse), meeting a fairy-tale in adult life (e.g. American dream and the media), when fairy-tales fail silent - fairy tales in life (cruelty in real world), the effect of fairy tales (influence on mechanisms and systems in real life). The participants in the project and the workshop are members of ERGstatus and young participants in the future performance, who will work in groups defining different concepts and forms as the basic material for the future production. This material will be defined and presented in the form of installation or different performative practices.

After the performance: ASSITEJ dialogues - discussion between young theatre theoriticians and critics and the audience.

Running time: 60’