
x Bin svoj, biti prisutan

Konferencija Autobiografija kao performans ispituje teme auto/biografije i identiteta, produkciju i recepciju autobiografije kao performansa i njenu vezu sa savremenom slikom sveta. Konferencija če kroz praksu i teoriju ispitati složenost i značaj autobiografskog performansa za kvir, postkolonijalni i postmoderni diskurs. Praktičnim izvođenjima, video-dokumentima i predavanjima, istražićemo iskustvo i predstavljanje ličnog JA: autobiografski performans kao snažno oružje otpora i za izvođača i za gledaoca. Antonen Arto kaže: „Pozorište je stanje, rnesto, tačka u kojoj se može razumeti anatomija čoveka; Poznavanje anatomije čoveka može izledti i odrediti život (...) Nebo još može da nam se sruši na glavu i pozorište je zato i stvoreno."

U predstavi No pozorišta postoje tri osnovna elementa: Koža, Meso i Kost. Gotovo nikad nije moguće nad sve troje odjednom u istom glumcu. Ali izvođač autobiografskog performansa pronalazi i Kožu i Meso i Kost i velikodušno nam ih nudi. Sposobnost pružanja otpora dni, kako izvođače solo performansa, tako i giedaoce, prisutnim. Tokom

konferencije, istražujući rad Tadeuša Kantora, istražujemo i sledeći prostor: ~Na sceni sam. Ja neću biti glumac. Ipak, delovi moga života postaće ready-made objekti, Svake večeri, ritual i žrtvovanje izvodiće se ovde."

Kroz svoje predavače, kroz svoje izvođače i kroz svoju publiku, ova konferencija odaće poštovanje hiljadama performera koji su tokom pedeset godina Bitefa činili otpor i dnili prisutnost.

Osećamo se počastvovanim što ćemo kroz performanse Konstantina Bunuševca, Neše Paripovića, Nenada Rackovića, Saše Markovića Mikroba, Adama Pantića, Dijane Milošević, ispitati i uputiti i istraživače i pozorišne stvaraoce i pozorišnu publiku da sami preispitaju sopstvenu sposobnost pružanja otpora ili, kako bi Kinezi rekli - kung fua, ili kako bismo mi to rekli - biti svoj i biti prisutan.

Ivana Vujić


The conference Autobiography as a Performance addresses the themes of auto/biography and identity, the production and reception of autobiography as a performance and its link with the modern image of the world. It will examine theoretically and practically the complexity and significance of the autobiographical performance for the queer, post-colonial and post-modern discourse. Through practical performances, video documents and lectures we shall examine the experience and presentation of personal I: autobiographical performance as a powerful weapon of resistance for the performer and the spectator alike. Antonin Artaud says: "Theatre is a state, a place, a point in which one can understand man’s anatomy. Knowing man’s anatomy can cure and determine life (...) Sky can still fall on our heads and that is why theatre was created...”

Noh theatre productions have three basic elements: Skin, Flesh and Bone. It is hardly ever possible to find all three

in one and the same actor, A performer of an autobiographical performance, however, finds Skin and Flesh and Bone and generously offers them to us. The ability to resist makes both the performers of solo performances and the spectators present. While analysing Kantor in the course of the conference, we shall also analyse the following: “I am on the stage. I will not be an actor, Nevertheless, parts of my life will become ready-made objects. The ritual and sacrifice will be performed here every evening.”

The conference, performers and audiencesthe will pay homage to thousands of performers who created both resistance and presence during Bitef's fifty years. We feel honored that owing to performances by Konstantin Bunuševac, Neša Paripović, Nenad Racković, Saša Marković Mikrob, Adam Pantić, Dijana Milošević, we will analyse and instruct researchers and theatre authors and theatre audiences how to examine their own ability to resist or, as the Chinese would say, kung fu, or as we would say, to be one’s own and to be present.

Ivana Vujić