
Od svog osnivanja, Bitef je bio značajan, ne samo zbog predstava koje su na njemu odigrane, već i zbog tradieije da se o njima javno polemiše, u okviru pratećeg programa nazvanog Susreti sa stvaraocima. Svi značajni autori koji su u proteklih pedeset godina posetili Bitef, razgovarali su sa publikom o svojim predstavama i temama koje one pokreću, aii i o širem, društvenom kontekstu u kom su te predstave nastajale. Ovi razgovori su snimani, transkribovani, objavljivani u festivalskom biitenu i sačuvani, kako u arhivu festivala, tako i u iegatu Jovana Ciriiova koji se čuva u Arhivu Grada Beograda. Poseban je kuriozitet da od prvog Bitefa razgovore snima Petar Marić, što ga čini članom Bitef tima s najdužim stažom. Za vreme Hladnog rata, Bitefovi Susreti sa stvaraocima bili su jedino mesto gde su umetnici sa Istoka i Zapada mogli da polemišu o svojim konceptima i iskustvima, a tradieija javne debate nastavljena je i kasnije, kada su, u okviru ovog programa, vodeni razgovori o razlidtim umetničkim praksama, formatima, umetničkim procesima, aii i autorskim politikama rada u pozorištu, to jest u izvođačkim umetnostima, Tokom godina, nazivi za ovaj program su se menjali: Susreti sa stvaraocima postali su Susreti sa autorima, dime se jasno upućuje na drugadje,

Ever since its inception, the importance of Bitef resided not only with the participating productions but also with the tradition to discuss them publicly within the side programme entitled Meeting the Creators. Aii significant authors who visited Bitef over the last fifty years, talked about their productions, issues they raise and their broader social context. These public discussions were taped, transcribed, published in the festival bulletin and preserved in the festival library and in Jovan Grilov’s endowment which is kept at the Archives of the City of Belgrade. Interesting fact is that all discussions, from the First Bitef, were recorded by Petar Marie which makes him the most experienced member of Bitef team. During the Cold War, Bitef’s Meeting the Creators was the only place where artists from the East and from the West could argue about their concepts and experiences. After that, the public debate tradition continued and the discussions addressed different artistic practices, formats, artistic process and also the policies of the authors in the course of their work in the theatre, i.e. performing arts. Over the years, the programme changed its name: Meeting the Creators became Meeting the Authors to clearly indicate a different and new perception of the artistic pro-

novo shvatanje umetničkog procesa. Od termina „stvaralac“, koji se odnosi na „stvaranje ni iz čega", došlo se do termina „autor“, manje božanskog i manje mističnog, aii vise u duhu savremenih umetničkih praksi. Tokom dve godine, na razgovorima nakon predstava iz glavnog, takmičarskog programa, osim autora i izvodača učestvovali su i intelektualci i intelektualke, odnosno umetnici/ce sa lokalne scene, koji su o temama kojima se predstave have iznosili lične stavove, iz oblasti svojih ekspertiza. Nakon toga, ovaj program opet je promenio naziv, pa su razgovori o predstavama iz glavnog programa postali Susreti s publikom, dime se htelo naglasiti kako je ovaj program prvenstveno namenjen publici i njenim pitanjima. Od ove, jubilarne godine, koncept okruglih stolova posvećenih predstavama iz glavnog programa zamislili smo kao pričaonicu, koja će se odvijati jedan na jedan. Jedan autor i jedna moderatorka. Kratka i jasna pitanja. Nekoliko performativnih elemenata koje će format diskusije učiniti zanimljivijim za praćenje. Naravno, priliku da postavi pitanja dobiće i publika. Na ovaj način, bitefovske polemike o umetnosti i društvu bide krade, jasnije i preciznije, i vise u duhu vremena. U svetu u kom se

cess. From the term ‘creator’ which brings to mind ‘creating from nothing’ the event arrived at the term ‘author’, less godly and less mystical but more in the spirit of modern artistic practices. During two festivals, the discussions following the productions of the main, competitive programme the authors and performers were joined by local intellectuals, that is artists presenting their professional views on the issues raised by the productions. After that, the programme changed its name again and the discussion with the audiences of the Main Programme productions became Meeting the Audience to emphasize that this programme was intended primarily for the spectators and their questions. In the year of our jubilee it has occurred to us that the concept of round tables dedicated to Main Programme productions should be a talking-room, with one-on-one meetings. One author and one moderator. Short and clear questions. Several performative elements to make the discussion format more interesting to follow. It goes without saying that the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. This way Bitef debates about art and society will be shorter, clearer