kog cara Dušana i latinske princeze Roksande, gosti iz Prizrena, Vučitrna, Leđana i sa Šar-planine upoznaće se sa okolnostima i krivičnim delima koja prethode ovom svečanom događaju. Ako neko ima nešto protiv ovog bračnog i/ili političkog saveza, neka kaže sada, ili nek zauvek ćuti, Veselje je namenjeno učesnicima starijim od 11 godina.
PODRŠKA: Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond i Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije
Posle predstave sledi zatvaranje programa 19. Bitef POLIFONIJE u okviru 52. Bitef festivala i otvara se „POLIFONIJA U TRAJANJU - Na lieu mesta". Ovim programom Bitef POLIFONIJA nastavlja inieijativu trajanja tokom godine s fokusom na procese stvaranja, komunikaeiju s publikom i praćenje razvoja, ciklusa i prostora postojanja tamo gde nastaju - u njihovim mestima i prostorima. Najavljujemo prve odlaske na lice mesta medu kojima su tri predstave podstaknute romanom Jasminke Petrović Sve je u redu, u izvodenju Teatra „Gimnazijalac" u Lebanu, Udruženja „Snaga optimizma" u Obrenovcu i Teatra „Farmakopea" Farmaceutsko-fizioterapeutske škole na Zvezdari u Beogradu. Komunikacija uživo sa Amsterdamom ostvariće se preko DAH teatra i POD teatra, kao učesnika, i uz goste završnice projekta „ExploreZ", ZID teatra iz Amsterdama, a to je proces koji pratimo četiri godine u okviru velikog medunarodnog projekta dji je nosilac ODIN teatar iz Holstebroa u Danskoj, pod vodstvom Eudenija Barbe.
„POLIFONIJA U TRAJANJU - Na lieu mesta" realizuje se u saradnji sa domadnima i sponzorima, i uz njihovu podršku i aktivno praćenje i prenos sa lica mesta preko društvenih mreža.
After the epic game Walling of Skadar, which bore tragic and polemic overtones, Art Group Hop.La! is happy to invite you to a wedding party! While waiting for the wedding ceremony between Serbian emperor Dušan, and the Latin princess Roksanda to be performed, guests from Prizren, Vučitrn, Ledane and Šar mountain are getting acquainted with the circumstances and criminal acts which precede this festivity. If anyone has anything against this marital or political union, speak now or forever hold your peace. The party is intended for the participants who are 11 or above.
SUPPORT; Reconstruction Women's Fund and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia After the performance, the closing ceremony of 19th Bitef POLYPHONY will be held, as well as the opening of “POLYPHONY IN DURATION - On the Spot”. By that programme, Bitef POLYPHONY continues the initiative of its duration throughout the year, focusing on the processes of creation, communication with the audience and the observation of development, cycles, and the space of existence where they are created - in their place and within their space. We announce first visits, among which are three performances inspired by Jasminka Petrović’s novel AH's Well, one by the Theatre “Gimnazijalac” in Lebane, one by Association “Snaga optimizma” in Obrenovac, and one by theatre "Farmakopea” within Pharmaceutical-Physiotherapy High School in Zvezdara, Belgrade. Live communication with Amsterdam will be established through DAH Theatre and POD Theatre, as a participant, and with the special guests of the project “ExploreZ”, ZID theatre from Amsterdam, which is a process we have been following for four years within a great international project, the leader of which is ODIN theatre from Holstebro Denmark, led by Eugenio Barba.
“POLYPHONY IN DURATION - On the Spot” is realized in cooperation with hosts and sponsors, and with their support and live broadcasting via social networks.