Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking


On July 14, 1927, the Rt. Rev. Chancellor wrote to the Rector as follows: “At our request the Holy See has conferred upon our great friend and benefactor, Mr. MacManus, the rank of Commander of the Knights of St. Gregory.” Both the Faculty and the students rejoice at this good news. We congratulate Sir Theodore MacManus upon this great and well-deserved honor; for we can never forget the friend whose splendid generosity made possible the opening of the Catholic University in 1925.

We also take occasion here to voice our sentiments of gratitude towards the Most Rev. Archbishop of Milwaukee and the Missionary Association of Catholic Women for the effective financial aid which they have given the Catholic University of Peking at one of the most critical moments of its history. Confronted with the necessity of making provision for the unexpectedly rapid growth of the student body, the University authorities were at a loss to devise means of raising funds for the acquisition of additional property. This difficulty was solved by the generosity of the above mentioned Association of Catholic Women, which has established a Memovial that will be further described in the next number of the Bulletin. Meanwhile, we desire to express our warm appreciation of their stintless charity and enlightened missionary zeal.

To these and to the whole membership of The Society of Friends of the Catholic University of Peking, our hearts go out in thankfulness. The names of all are in our prayers; they have not failed or forgotten us, and we should be the worst of ingrates if we did not remember them. May God reward them for all they have done!