Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking


(A) Department of Chinese Letters

_a) PRESCRIBED SUBJECTS: 1) Chinese Etymology; 2) Chronology; 3) Library Science (Indexing and Cataloging); 4) The Science of Textual Revision; 5) Outline of the Chinese Classics; 6) History of Chinese Literature; _7) Selections from Chinese Authors: 8) Outline of Chinese History; 9) Outline of Western History; 10) History of Philosophy; 11) A Foreign Language.

b) ELECTIVE SuBJECTS: 1) Summary of the Classical and Dynastic Histories; 2) Introduction to Chinese Philosophy; 3) Chinese Fiction; 4) Chinese Drama; 5) Special Study of Chinese Literature prior to the Ts’in Dynasty (202 B.c.); 6) Special Study of Chinese Literature during the Han-Wei-Liuch’ao Dynasties (202 B. C. to 627 A.D.); 7) Chinese Poetry during the T’ang Dynasty (627 to 907 A.D.); 8) The Study of Monuments and Antiques; 9) A Second Foreign Language. (B) Department of History

a) PRESCRIBED SUBJECTS: 1) Summary of the Classical and Dynastic Histories: 2) General History of China; 3) Chronology; 4) Method of Historical Research; 5) Philosophy of History; 6) General History of Laws and Rites; 7) Economic History; 8) History of the Far East; 9) History of Greece; 10). History of Rome; 11) European History; 12) History of the Americas; 13) History of Ancient Peoples; 14) History of ChineseLiterature; 15) Introduction toPhilosophy; 16) History of Sino-Foreign Relations; 17) A Foreign Language; 18) Archeology.

b) ELective Supyects: 1) Economic ' History of China; 2) History of Chinese Laws and Rites; 3) History of Chinese

Art; 4) Historical Geography of China: 5) History of Religions in China; 6) The Study of Monuments and Antiques; 7) History of Religions in Europe and America; 8) Economic History of Europe and America; 9) Sociology; 10) A Second Foreign Language.

(C) Department of English

a) PRESCRIBED SUBJECTS: 1) English Grammar; 2) English Rhetoric; 3) English Prosody; 4) Selected Prose; 5) Selected Poems; 6) English Drama; 7) English Novels; 8) English Composition and Conversation; 9) English and American Literature; 10) History of Chinese Literature; 11) Outline of Chinese History; 12) Outline of Western History: 13) Introduction to Philosophy; 14) A Second Foreign Language.

b) ELECTIVE SUBJECTS: 1) History of Greek and Roman Literature; 2) History of European Literature; 3) Works of Celebrated Modern European Writers; 4) History of Chinese Philosophy; 5) History of Western Philosophy. (D) Depariment of Philosophy

a) PRESCRIBED SUBJECTS: History of Chinese Philosophy; 2) Philosophical Works of the ‘‘Literati’’; 3) Philosophical Works of the ‘‘ Masters”; 4) Introduction to Philosophy; 5) History of Western Philosophy; 6) Logic; 7) Criteriology; 8) Ontology; 9) Cosmology; 10) Psychology; 11) Ethics; 12) Sociology; 13) History of Chinese Literature; 14) Outline of Chinese History; 15) Outline of Western History; 16) A Foreign Language.

b) ELectivE SupyEcts: 1) Buddhist Philosophy; 2) Taoist Philosophy; 3) The Study of Natural Religion; 4) The Philosophy of the ‘‘Mo’’School: 5) The Philosophy of the ‘‘Ch’eng-Chu”’

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