Chinese and Sumerian
SUG, SUD, SU, high or loud, of speech (INU-SUG, @t sa améatim, height of speech; amatum Sagutum, high words. 7601; 7606).
(2) SUG, to plant (é@résu). 4 R. 27. 8a. Cf. DU, to plant (zagapu, erect, set up). SUG, C.Z. xii. 30, and SIG, SIQ, 10900, values of the Tree-pictogram (MU).
(3) SUD, far-off, distant, in space or time. 7603. to remove; remote. 7625. (rigu, nist.) Cf. TE (from TUG?), distant. 7699.
(4) to be long; to prolong (aradku; Pa.) 7597. (Really same as last.) Cf. SUG or SUD zx SUG(D)-A-MU, ‘how long 1?’ (agulapia). 3014. BPS. 27f. (Lit. long TL?)
(5) SUD, SUDDA, the king (Sarrz). FOU 2.
(6) SUD-AM, SUD-ANGA,a ‘brilliant’; a lustrous gem of some kind (eméSu ; elmisu); a crystal. The char. AM zs also EM and RAM, as well as AG (ANG). 7628 ff. brightness; light (utir samé=AN SUD-AM, light of heaven; of. niir Sa tlmész, lustre of a brilliant, 4 R. 61. 33). 7631.
(7) SU(G, D), to move on, progress, walk in procession or with measured steps ; to march (sadéfu). 76109.
(8) SU, to pour out(?); to sprinkle (sardgu ; saléhu). 7604; 7608. Cogn. TE) salen, Gl. xi tr NEAeSUIBy to rub or wipe clean, to cleanse, to purify, burnish or polish (metal). (SUB dial. for SUG.) IM-SUB-TA GENTA-SUB, ove-brightened-like be-he-likebrightened ! Vid. tufr. s.v. SUB.
SU, from SUN (?), the body; the flesh (zumru, Stru). 170; 172. Cf.
sou, sao, so, O..S. sok, noise of voices ; din, clamour. 9593; cf. 9589. P.923. 9595 (high; eminent).
shu, su,, J. shu, to set up, erect; to plant; to sow; a tree; erect, woody plants; plantsin general(WW.). 10090.
su, sho, shu, s6, distant, in time or space. 10321. O..S. sut (P. 298). to separate ; divide; wide apart. sui, sii, O. S, suk (P. 910), far-off. 104009.
shu, shii, K. sé, J. shu, so, to stretch. O..S. shot (P. 481). 10045. Shu, shii, su, A. si, stretch out; scatter. 10091 ; T0094.
sui, sdii, sou, zti, K. su, O. S. suk (P. 910), to proceed to; to make progress; to prolong. 10402.
siu, sau, hsiu, O. S. suk (P. 351), long; far, distant. 4661; 4662. (Cf fiu, tu-k, 11095.)
sut, sauk, shwai, K. su, sul, J. shut-, A. swét, to lead; leader ; captain (WW.). IOIO5. I0107.
shu, shii, sti, O. S. sut (cf P. 355), a fine gem. 10096. Cf 10095.
yung, rung, éng, éng, ying, A. ving, waing, lustre of gems; shining pebbles; brilliant (WW.). 5742. yung, rung, ying, ing, jung, K. hydng, A. wing, waing, lights shining; bright. 5744.
ying, yin, yang, éng, yéng, lustrous as gems; a crystal. 13310. A. aing. Cf. 13307: ying, yang, ing, aing, brightness ; dazzling.
sui, shui, sdé, siié, O. .S. suk (R. 35), to walk slowly. 10428.
shu, shii; tu, sti, to pour out; to remove. 10043. Cf. (3) supr.
sa, sha, swa, so, se, A. sai, téi, to sprinkle (water, Gc.). ead si, to wipe; cleanse. Q531. sik (P. 247).
shih, shik, seik, wipe; rub; clean. 9986. Cf. san, sat-, 11475.
shén, sin, séng, J. shin, the body; oneself. 9813. R.158. A. tén.