Chinese and Sumerian
Cognate c. DUR, TUSH, DU, to dwell; dwelling-place (asabu ; sadtum). Cf. also TI, to dwell or abide with ( gers.) or in (loc.) 1696 (asdbu) ; TIL, 7d. 1492.
TESH-LUG, a young bird (admu). 3426. TESH : TUR, little, young, ZUR, young bird (adm) :: TUSH, dwell : DUR, TER, zd. (Written MUL-SI-GU =chirpers or twitterers ? of. SI, zaméru. Then TESH-LUG= young chirpers or chirping little ones.)
TI, rib, side, ¢.g. of a ship (¢é@/,; war, plur. TI-TI. 1699. 1704. TIG, side (aku, igdru, tdu). 3207. 3211 f. Ved. ZAG, ZI, side.
TI, TIL, 1697: “TIN, 0853, lite; alive, living, to live, ¢v. to vivify (da/atu, baltu, bullutu), Cf. ZI, SHI, life (xapostu) ; g.v. (TIL, 1494).
TIG, TIGI, a flute or pipe (taggd, tegt ; halhallatum). 7041.
TIL (from TIN = DIN, DIM), to finish, complete, bring to an end; to fulfil a task; all, the whole (gaméru ; gimru); to put an end to, destroy (gaté, gutti). 1499; 1512. (Adso vead SUN.)
TIN, DIN, one who throws down or overthrows, ¢.g. mountains, buildings, enemies (Za7tu,; mattageisu). 9854 f.
(2) TIN, DIN, male; man; MU-TIN, ad. (ZS). 9857. (ztkaru.) (Cf Arad. dhakar, membr. virile.) (Lhe char. 1s apparently an outline of a testis; and as therefore used also for TIN, DIN, life; to vivify, 9853, and for TIN, DIN, strong drink, ‘spirits’, 9856.) Cogn. DIL, GIN, male.
(3) TIN, DIN, strong drink, such as date-wine, sesame-spirit, Gc. (szkavi). 9856. Cf. eau de vie=agua vitae.
TU, magical formula, charm, incantation, exorcism, or spell (s¢péw,; ¢#). 781f. Also read MU. 778.
chu, teu, tieu, dwell. 2527.
liu, liau, liao, O. S. lok, small birds, such
as wrens, tits, &¢. 7061. P. 811. (?) (lung, nung, bird-notes; chirping. 7509.) (ngé, Am. lék, to chirp. 36. the cry of birds. 8471. lou, O.S.
lok, to chatter, of birds. 7337. P. 789.)
ts‘é, chak, chék, tset, tsah, K.chitk, J. shiki, shoku, A. ¢vak, the side. 11696.
*shén, shin, sén, K. sin, A. t'én, the soul, vital principle, animal spirits. 9819. sing, hsin, J. sei (zz sei-mei, life), A. taing, nature ; life. 4600.
shéng, sen, seing, sae, sén, J. sei, to be alive; living; life. 9865.
tik, tek, ti, the flute. 10939.
chin, tsun, J. djin, A. tén, to finish, complete; all. 2088; P. 947; 2055, to fulfil duties; all; tzii chin, to put an end to oneself.
t‘ien, t'im, J. ten, den, to bring toan end; to cut off; to destroy ; tocease. 11239.
tien, tin, tian, ti", to fall; to overthrow, 11193; cf tien, tin, dit, a roof fallen in, 11204; tien, tin, ten, die, to sink, 11203.
*ch‘én, ch‘in, J. shin, djin, A. t'én, male servant; minister. 648-; 1572 (ch‘én, your males). Cf shén, ch’én, J. shin, djin, A. t‘én, the estes, 9860; tan, 2a. 10648.
ting, ten, a nail; an adult male; a man. 11253.
ting, ten, tin, J. tei, A. ding, intoxicated. 11262.
chou, chu, tsiu, J. shu, to curse : to swear ; to recite incantations; to employ charms or spells. 2476. wu, mou, mu, vu, fu, J. bu, witch; wizard. 12735. wu-chou, to recite spells.