Chinese calligraphy : an introduction to its aesthetic and technique : with 6 plates and 155 text illustratons


Yu (i), Rain: 人 ae i. Water falling down from the sky.

Shan (il), NA Uda. Mountain : 一 lb “ b v

A range of mountain peaks. Shui (2k), Water: & ff fh 前 Ripples on the surface of moving water.

Shou (#2), Hand and Tsu & x y and 六 ( a Gy

foot : Mo (@), Eye and K‘ou (4), Mouth: o ~ wm Wa and roy. Niu (4), Cow or ox: ¥ V W . A composite character in which U4 UU represent two horns, and/ + |! represent head and neck.

Yang @); ¢ . Here we have the whole animal, but Sheep :

sometimes sheep is written oF | oe, oes

with two horns and the head only. Chu (3), Pig: 表 ¥. The whole body of the animal.

Yi (ft), Fish : 發 賞 i Q 入.

The fish complete with fins and tail.

Fu (#), Axe: a 同 T +.

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