Chinese Medical Journal


—— Before operation

@-=-=-— After operation


30 20

10 MHS Platelet yee

Hgb. per below 10-12 more than 100 cc §=—: 10 -gm gm 12 gm

RBC per below 3-4 ‘more than cumm Smillion million 4 million.

WBC per below cu mm 5,000 10,000

Platelet below 100,000per cumm 100,000 200,000

10, 00015,000 more than 15,000

more than 200,000

Fig, 3. Changes of blood picture before and after operation.

from heart failure may eventuate in cirrhosis, the so-called cardiac cirrhosis. In nodular cirrhosis of the liver, fibrosis and the irregular masses of regenerated liver cells may compress the portal radicles and result in venous stasis, which in turn stimulates fibrosis.

Theoretically speaking, an effective reduction of the elevated portal pressure should lessen the venous-stasis in the liver, thus breaking the vicious circle, and a cessation or retardation of the progress in the clinical course of the disease might be expected.

In some of our cases, follow-up liver function studies including the plasma protein determination and thymol turbidity test were done at various periods after splenectomy. The results were compared with those before operation. If both these tests showed improvement or one of them showed improvement and the other no change, the case was considered as “improved”; if both showed poorer results or one of them gave a poorer result and the other no change, it was considered as “worsened”; if both gave the same results as before.or one of them gave a better and the other a poorer result, it was considered as ‘not changed”. The results are shown in Table 16.

There was often a depression of the liver function immediately after operation, probably as a result of operative trauma. But we found de-
