Chinese Medical Journal


He returned to duty after his discharge from the hospital although the symptoms of dyspnea and palpitation on exertion persisted. The blood taken from the ear lobe and the finger tip was normal.

Observations on the blood picture during hospitalization. On the day the patient was admitted, the interne on duty made a leukocyte count of the blood taken from the ear lobe and found it 11,500 per cu mm as compared with the count of 104,000 per cu mm taken at the OPD that very morning. On the second day the leukocyte counts were found to vary from 12,300 per cu mm to 58,750 per cu mm. Repeated examinations later showed that the white count fluctuated within a short period of time.

The blood smear taken from the ear lobe revealed the presence of macrophages (Figs. 1 and 2). They were numerous at the time of admission but became gradually decreased in number (Table 1 and Fig. 3).

Table 1. The leukocyte count and differential count during

the course of observation eee eee eee

Differential count (%)

ite WBC count ‘ i 2g Macrophage BTEC Date is S 1 a 2 macroBa Be 22 ey 2 phage Else- 52 aS ua a & = ieee where s Bi a 8 g me a Ss Mature Immature (%) To 16 150,000 STien TnL 1 26.5 135 26.5 21: 104,000 44°20 «15 05 25 235 8 17.5 . 21 11,500 > = = @ 22 12,300 5 29 58,750 42 5 32 wR 93 24,300 4 59,600 42 9935 45. 1 1 22.5 55 12 6 "29,450 48 20 4 4 24 8 23,200 48204 6 22 A SOO ees i223 10 0 6,500 8 Vein o5 24 3 7 0 P 5,500 ; F 5 : ieee iy ee 12 13 s =e ; 5,500 42 31 4 16 7 ts 2 Finger tip i : 93 Face 44 29 2 12 10 3 5 93 Arm 47° 98 6 13 6 1 3 “27 10,500 Sd SOnnS en nt 10 0 Mareh 1 9,000 0 April 17 8.500 68 28 6 3 0 May 8 8,100 ieee 1 June F 5 7,300 we 0 Migust! 30 11,000 67 «iy 43 3 0 30 7,600 69 417 11 3 0

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