Chinese Medical Journal


reflex was absent. Choroidal vessels in the region of the equator were distinctly visible. Vision: right eye 0.1 and Jaeger 6, left eye 0.2 and Jaeger 4. Visual field of both eyes was of the tubular type (Fig. 8).

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Fig. 8. Vision: O.S. 0.2 Jaeger 4, O.D. 0.1 Jaeger 6 (Case 2).

Blood examination. RBC 4,500,000 per cu mm, Hgb. 85 per cent, WBC 7,200 per cu mm. Differential count: neutrophils 50 per cent, lymphocytes 47 per cent, eosinophils 2 per cent, mononuclear 1 per cent. Sedimentation rate of red blood corpuscles was 11 mm at the end of the first hour. Kahn and Wassermann reactions were negative. Blood grouping “B”.

X-ray examination. Skull and sella turcica normal.


The 2 patients reported above were brothers. Of the five symptoms of Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, pigmentary degeneration of the retina, obesity, hypogenitalism and mental deficiency were present. The elder brother was obese, the younger brother was short and less obese. Neither of them showed polydactylism. They had curly hair, long eyebrows and long eyelashes, features not previously mentioned in the literature. Besides pigmentary degeneration of the retina there were changes resembling those of retinitis proliferans, of which there is yet no clinical explanation.


1. Snell, A. C., Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome; report of a case in a negro family, Arch. Ophth. 28:12-16, 1942.

2. Radner, S., On lLaurence-Moon-Biedl’s syndrome, Acta med. Scandinav. 105 :141-152, 1940.

3. Bisland, T., The Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, report of a typical case with complete necropsy, Am. J. Ophth. 34:874-884, 1951.

4. Warkany, J., Frauenberger, G. S., and Mitchell, A. G., Heredofamilial deviations: I, The Laurence-Moon-Bied] syndrome, Am. J. Dis. Child. 53:455, 19387.

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