Chinese Medical Journal


NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF CHINA (in Chinese), Vol. 42, No. 1, 1956.

Eradications of Errors in Medical Practice . . . Editorial of the People’s Daily Actively Leading and Organizing the Learning of Traditional Chinese Medicine by Western-Trained Physicians . . .... .-.. . Fu Lien-Chang Antibiotics in the Protection of Health... . . . . . Tsui Yi-Tien Development of Schistosomus Ova in the Liver of White Mice: A Preliminary Report ... . . . . Liu Shao-Ts’ang

A setuid on erinee eels De with meen ie Infected White Mice . : Fang Kang and Liu Hung-Tao

Diseases due to Deficiency in Plasma Thromboplastin Factors . . Wang Chen-Yi and. Hsieh Ching: Feta

A Comparative Study on Methods of Examining Endamoeba Histolytica with Direct Smear, Concentration and Culture: A Preliminary Report. . Chang Ching-Chih, Liang Chun-Mo and Teng Shao- Huei

The Late Stage Treatment for Severe Burns of the Face and Hands (Part 2) Sung Ju-Yao

Pavlov Theory of the ge eeaon of Functions in the Cerebral Cortex . . Fang Shao- Tze

Infectious Monenaclenic with Cerebral Involvement. . . . Lou Fang-Ts’en Differential Leukocyte and Neutrophilic Counts... . . . Chang Ai-Ch’eng

Gout and Gouty Arthritis: A Report of Two Cases. . é Ho Nan-Hsiang, Chao-Yi ad Huang Ta- Yuan

Experience in Sleep Therapy. . ..- ..- - . . . Wu Chen-Keng Hodgkin’s Disease: Report of a Case . . . . Ku Chi-Chen and Li Yen-San

The Use of st Alea Dysentery Phage for hue Diagnosis of Dysentery ; Sung Chia- Heng

Alcaligenes Faecatis Found in the Urine of Patient with Pyelonephritis: Report of a Case . . : : - . . . Ma Chen-Ya

Hepatitis due to reeecaieueet to PAS: Report of a Case . eee eee

ar : Seal ees L sees 2 Fan Tze-Liang The Problem of + Perforated Intestine ean Rectoscopy SUS hs ek alate eye eal nev ei este Pe epost eens as Cheng Shu-Ming A New Method of Graphic Recording with Ink. . . . . . Sun Juei-Yuan Basic Viewpoints in the Practice of Medicine. . . . . . . V.G. Vogralik

Clinical Diagnosis and Roentgenodiagnosis of Different Forms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis . Clinical Medical Conference, Peking Soviet Red Cross Hospital

33-35 36-39 40-44


47-49 50-51


59 60-61 62-65


CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE (in Chinese) Vol. 3, No. 12, 1955.

The Views of Soviet Investigators on Brucellosis. . . . . . A. E. Kortiv 899-904

Clinical Report on Twenty Cases of Brucellosis in Inner Mongolia Autonomous

Region ... . . - -. Wang Hsi-Fan, Huei Yii and Chao Shu-Chen 905-906

Treatment of Tetanus .

. Wang Shih-Heng, Li pangs Ch’ ae Ch’ VU ii Hsi aia Chang Hsioh- Teh 907-913

Sleep Therapy for Tetanus

Li Ming-Fa, Hsii Huei- Min, Li Hsiang-Jung and Hsii Ts'ung-Ch’ien 914-917

Salmonella Suipestifer Infection in Wuhan: A Clinical Report.

roe . Ku Chi-Chen, Li Yen-San and Chang Juei-1 Hsiang 918-921 Bacterial anc osaraitie due to Salmonella Organisms. . . . Hu Yuan-Feng 922-925

Therapeutic Effect of Chloroquine in Treatment of Par agonimiasis .

Chung Huei-Lan, How Tsung-Ch’ang and Chou Yung-Y Ving 926-931
