Egyptian religious poetry, S. 98
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8 Verse transcription of No. 7
O wappy is the temple and happy are the priests And happy are the watchers of the day,
For the Lord God of Heaven has entered in His shrine, And the people bow down and pray.
For Amon is Almighty and Amon is all love, And the poor and the lowly are His care.
And He shines like the sun in the city of His choice With a beauty celestially fair.
All people, all people, come hither and adore, For Amon the Lord God is here !
And the love that He extends to beggar or to prince Is the love that casteth out fear.
O loud are the shouts that ascend to the skies, That He hears as He passes on His way,
For happy are the people and happy are the priests, And happy are the watchers of the day.