Fantastic fauna : decorative animals in Moslem ceramics

Fantastic Fauna



Flste’ Figure. “{useum PERIOD. CENTURY. DESCRIPTION.

1 I 61247 Fatimide. XX Lustre ware. Gold on white. II 7900 Toulounide. IXth. » ware bowl. Gold on white.

III 5400/4 Fatimide. X-XII , ware. Gold on white, 2 I 5400/3 5 3 , ware. Gold on white. I] 3902/8a vs 5 , ware bowl. Gold on white. 3 I 5400/5 33 a iy ware dish, greeny-gold on white. Il 5521 * eo , ware. Gold on white, III 54002 x ~ » ware. Gold on white. 4 I 12312/2 . ys » ware. Gold on green, Ii 12312/3 53 55 ,» ware. Gold silhouette. Jil 12312/4 3 a ware. Gold silhouette. 5 I 6497/21 - - ,» ware. Gold on white. II 6022/15 3 + » ware bowl. Gold and white. III] 6022/16 35 5 , ware. Gold on white. IV 6422/1 x9 59 ‘i ware. Gold on white. 6 I 12312/5 55 es 7 ware, Gold and white. Il 12312/6 a3 5 y ware. Gold and white. Ill 12312/1 59 . a ware. Gold and white. 7 I 5382/56 3 35 mi ware. Gold and white. Il 5400/7 As 5 , ware. Gold and white. III 5400/6 of 5 » ware. Gold and white. 8 I 2660 55 o ware. Gold and white. Il 6124/18 ™ 3 ,» ware. Gold and white. Iil 6236/9 39 ° » ware. Gold and white.