Fantastic fauna : decorative animals in Moslem ceramics


TIT 5398/36 Fatimide. %- XII Lustre ware. Gold and white.

IV 5398/13 3 i" ware. Gold and white. V 5398/16 a ‘2 » ware. White on gold. VI 5398/5 5 7 » ware, Gold and white. 48 I 5898/48 ies . , ware. Gold and white, II 6021/11 3 - , ware, Gold and white. III 6124/4 es , , ware, Gold and white. TV 6237 s 7, , ware, White on gold. 49 I 3902/6a ‘, . , ware. Gold and white. II 5383/15 5 i} , ware. Gold and white. III 12316/2 3 ‘i ,» ware, Gold and white. TV 3902/6a Ba 7 » ware. Gold and white. Vi 5399/38 53 . , ware. Gold and white. VI 12316/3 55 " " ware. Gold and white. 50 I 6354 ap . 7” ware. Gold and white. Ii 5398/52 5 " , ware, Gold and white. TIT 5398/26 e A =. ware. Gold and white. TV 12316/2 5 ” , ware. Gold and white. V 5398/47 Ms A , ware. Gold and white. 51 I 5398/50 3 , ware, Gold and white. IIT 6021/14 3 ‘ , ware. Gold and white. III 5287 3 " , ware, Gold aud white. TV 5385/1 35 = si ware Gold and white. 52 I 12316/6 35 , ware, Gold silhouette on pale blue, II 6199/3 3 “ , ware. Gold and white. III 5382/33 S x , ware, Gold silhouette on pale blue, TV 5383/16 x i ware, Gold silhouette on pale blue, Vi 5398/19 35 ‘1 , ware, Gold and white. VI 6355/7 3 7 ,, ware. Gold and white. VII 6021/3 33 ro ,, ware, Gold aud white. 53 I 5398/21 a u , ware. Gold and white. TI 5398/31 53 i , ware. Gold and white. III 5398/23 = 4 » ware, Gold and white. 54 I 6114/1 9 is , ware, Gold and white. II 5398/25 +5 y ,, ware. Gold and white. Il] 12316/7 Br 4 , ware. Gold and white. TV 5398/12 3 i , ware. Gold and white. 55 I 6497/6 35 " ‘i ware. Gold silhouette. Il 6497/5 Bs i a ware. Gold silhouette.

III 6497/12 a in i ware, Gold silhouette,