Fantastic fauna : decorative animals in Moslem ceramics

— i) = Hate Figure. Museum peRIOD. CENTURY. DESCRIPTION.

III 5380/22 Ayyoubite. XIII-X1IV Faience. Blue with black outline, black and white patches.

5 sy Faience. Blue with black outline, black and white patches.

IV 5280/21

175 I 5404/62 Mameluke. XIV-XV Faience. Blue and white. Signed:

GHAIBY II 6040 “5 ; 5 Black and white with blue patches. 176 1 8076 > - Pottery. Dark brown lines, brown on yellow. II] 5348/2 4 Faience. Green lines on green ground. 177 1 5327/4 > - Pottery, Brown lines on yellow. II 5338/13 . 53 : Brown lines on cream. IfT 3854/10b 5 5 3 Brown lines on yellow. TV 5338/15 » - , Dark brown lines on cream, V 5338/14 » i. - Brown lines and dots on yellow.