

redom ен C Praznik filatelije u Srbiji и o - 56 Odiseja mar.

Ме |

е tamp Odyssey

су Мој им подом

Ya Ve иу писта

the copy of the first ( branded shipme AWB picked up postai locaton m grade destined for G on October 17”,1 Just9 days after the ing of the Co-bre contract with PTT * Also, we helped koads of informate lating to DHL's sb worldwide mn on show tha magni! its operabons anc

uring the August, Du: Intemational (Balgrade) d.o.o. was approached for sponsorship by te Board o! organizers of the 12* Philatelic exfubilion Srbijafila XII lo be held in Belgrade, Progres gallery in Knez Mihajlova street Бемегп September 8"-14". This opportunity was recognized by DHL as the potental additonal

promotion of DHL's wide presence, prominent role withun the as to promote DE industry, especally for ites on a locala the faci that one ol the nationa! level exhinitors, Mr. „Jovan ı personally vr Reljin, Assistant Director General B is Petković exhibition on one ofthe far Legal Affairs in Community of By Boris Petković was impressed with q Yugoslav PTT and one of ће numbet of exhibits. M malernal was placec

members of the Board of organiz-

ers wanted to particpate in the so-called "Ореп саједогу- frames wih systematic approach and explanabo

As he explained, this calegory, introđuced first ime this year lowed each of the elements displayed. DHL was

in Yugoslavia, enabled exhibitors lo participate wilh exhibits ly displayed and dominatedđ he тајепа!. Оезађе

(паг аге пој опју зјатр5 ог епме!орез 6ш! апеташе, тоге and concise infommatbon folowed each ol th =

innovatve and sophisticated wayS to transport shipments which helped a first time visitor to familiarize him

around the World. tooic o! air express industry. The “Grea! finale" The idea na ha — \nvohvemenı was that Mr. Reljin's exhibition mat

Б ___KyAT3y PA— first prize in the "Open calegory" – DHL is numb

— = Apart from being present in the "Srbijafila XII Gatansı -—

AE аи HOCTM ИЗЛОЖБЕ ih our commercial message prepared by our cormmercial MKEHAY ЗНАКУ ПОШТАНСКЕ УМЕ ПИКА“ leparimant-he ExhibiHio ~ ни ВА БИЈАФИЛА XW" M „i oslavia wilh its promine | де,

n Маџка није само 7777

Мејљарт у Народном музеју

БЕОГРАД, #-13.09 2001.

И улажба "Отисак ум“ печат. м " отвара ос данаг у 12

часова у Нзрозиом муке Изложба обележава 50. годашњицу прве иазожбе чланова Савеза филателиста Срби- ла младих