Filatelista, 01. 07. 2006., S. 36


Slika 7, Karta P-5, upućena Jula 1943. godine iz Beograđa u Italiju

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Abstract : The article preceding this one reveals the postal rates ın Serbia during the German occupation 1941- 1944. The postal regulations at that time enabled internal service, but international service was limited to the German Reich and Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Other parts of previuos Yugoslavia, other territortes occupled by Germany, as well as Germany s allies and neutral European States were out of reach. The article describes several regularly transported exceptions: a 1943 registered letter to Switzerland, a 1943 simple letter to the occuplied parts of France and a most unusual stationary card to Madrid, Spain, believed to be unique. In additıon, contrary to regulations of the time, in 1941 stationery card from Serbia sometimes reached POW camps in Germany. Only one such card from the summer of 1944 is also known. A small number of regular stationary card sent to POW camps in Italy ale also known, thanks to the mediation of the Red Cross.