Functional socialism


subsisting in any given period. As the old conventions give place to new, so status changes. Therefore, let us reorganize our economic system and stazus can take care of itself. But wait! It is not so easy as that. Before the generality of mankind plunges into a revolution, peaceful or otherwise, we may be sure that a new and more equitable szazus must be definitely projected. And, since we reject finance as the determining factor, what principle must we accept to constitute stazus in our new order of society? The truth slipped out a few lines higher up. Svzazus in the new order must grow out of functional utility. Neither money nor social standing, but loyalty to function, will mark our s7atus in future society. Our present range of social grades is the hereditas dan:nosa from the libertarian age now fast fading away. Nor will szatus be forced upon us by dire necessity. Status will be won in equality and fellowship: will not be imposed by finance or dictatorship: will be something all can willingly seek, and not, as in the dark past, be something from which they would escape. In this field of thought, our journey is but begun. For we cannot visualize status unless we grasp its relation to function. To function, be it observed, and not finance. It is to a functional society we must look for easement from economic maladjustments and present discontents. We must accordingly discuss and determine the principles of function. Should we fail in this, we may not only find ourselves upon the economic rocks but lose our spiritual significance

in the Western World.