Functional socialism


In regard to the second category—man and his associations—that would require some caution in answering. So far as man is of strictly instrumental value and his associations purely functional, they could safely undertake that all through his working days, in health and sickness, in old age, no worker need fear material distress. The functional associations would, in the first instance, be his protection; but the associations would be supported by the entire credit of the economic authority. But, in so far as man to be perfect must needs be cultured, those responsible for the first category must supply the cultural food.

As for the final or supreme values, these must be the care of the political and cultural authorities. In short, for the general body of mankind in their capacity as citizens.

The House of Industry, thus put to the test, discovers that its réle is confined to the economic sphere. In its blunt way, it says to the citizen authority that, just as the economic values have been transformed beyond recognition, so too must the political and cultural bodies induce a change of heart and move with a faith, truly the substance of things hoped for, towards a cultural or spiritual life.

And that brings us to the more concrete and immediate problems of function.



No functional society can institute itself. It must