Functional socialism


five chairmen of the Big Five, representatives from the industrial trusts, the Stock Exchange, and the insurance companies. Next, the great captains of industry, but double the numbers of the financiers. All these to be chosen by their own groups and associations. Finally the Labour elements, chosen by the trade unions, to be double the number of industrial magnates; but, of course, in a hopeless minority in the House as a whole. In vain is that net spread before the Labour birds.

We note two facts. First, the significance of this proposal, coming from a High Tory. And, secondly, the blindness of conventional politicians to the essential truth that function knows neither class nor privilege: is as democratic as knowledge itself.

Assuming the necessity for a functional authority, does not Fate point its finger to a complete transformation of this obsolete and at best quasi-functional body into a definitely democratic House of Industry?



That there is a sound philosophic basis for the functional conception of national life is now evident. To give it concrete shape is not easy.

When we start to plan out our organization, we are at once compelled to decide on what working principle to proceed. There are many who think that, since technical efficiency and skill are the flower and